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Trace: application-creation

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Creation of the application and a module

Jelix is delivered with an example application, myapp. We won't use it but we will recreate one from scratch.

Every Jelix application has a name : the name of his directory. We will call our application “actu.org”.

We suppose that you installed Jelix as indicated on the installation page, and that you use the default configuration, without modiying the tree strucure. You must have installed PHP and PHP-CLI, as said in the same page, to use the jelix.php script.

Discovering Jelix-Scripts

Jelix is provided with a script, jelix.php, which makes creation and modification of the different files of an application based on Jelix easy. It is necessary to invoke it with the command line version of PHP and to give as parameter a Jelix command name, with possible parameters and options.

  php jelix.php [--application_name] command_name [options] [parameters]

For this, open a console and go to the lib/jelix-scripts/ directory where jelix.php is placed.

 under linux :  cd lib/jelix-scripts/
 under windows : cd lib\jelix-scripts\

To get help on all the available commands, type :

   php jelix.php help

You will have noticed that you must indicate to jelix.php (except for the help command), the name of the application on which the command apply. It is possible to avoid it. For this, you have to put the name of the application in an environment variable : JELIX_APP_NAME. For our example, do this :

  export JELIX_APP_NAME="actu.org"        # under linux
  set JELIX_APP_NAME=actu.org             # under windows

en/tutorial/application-creation.1158683793.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/17 20:31 (external edit)

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