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Over-blog.com has choose Jelix

03/06/2007, Jelix team.

Over-blog.com is one of the most important french blogging platform, with more than 534,000 blogs and 5 millions of viewed pages a day. Which such amounts, quality and performance of php scripts should be high. During spring 2006, with these two criteria in mind, over-blog.com developers have been searching for a php framework for the version 2 of their web site. They finally chose Jelix although its API was not frozen yet.

Since summer 2006, their project has been developed and they contribute to Jelix by finding bugs, suggesting patchs and improvements. The second version of the over-blog portal is now online for testing. More than a thousand of blogs have been migrated to the new version (as such, Jelix-powered), and the migration will go on over the next weeks.

Thanks to Over-blog developers for their choice and their support.