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Release of Jelix 1.0 beta 3

09/18/2007, Jelix team.

A new stable version of Jelix has been released, including important new features:

  • jForms, a form system, which both automatically manages validation errors (client side or server side), and generate HTML content and javascript code. And all of this from only a single XML file.
  • jControllerDaoCrud, a generic controller to display an interface to manage data of a SQL table (CRUD)
  • junittests, a module to easily create unit tests based on simpletest
  • some changes in the plugin architecture : all plugins and drivers for different components are managed and stored in a same way
  • many improvements in various components : jTpl, jAuth, jAcl, jDb etc.

As you see, some improvements have also be made on the web site (in particulary on the design). Don't forget to take a look at the forge, in particulary jelixeclipse, a plugin for Eclipse, which help to develop jelix application. Some efforts will be made during next weeks to improve the documentation on jelix.