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  [Opened] jLocale and config

Posted by killerrabbit on 03/15/2008 12:52

Hello! I'm working on an translation tool for Jelix .properties files and I'm wondering if and how I would apply these new translations, preferably on-the-fly, adding it to the configuration. From what I can understand there's no configuration variable for setting an additional locales path (to a script-writable folder) or is there?

BTW I'm planning this as part of what I call admintools (working name) for CMS Admin feature tools (possibly a new Jelix Forge project in the future (if I ever get there). And I will most probably implement it with Xforms rather than jforms with server side scripts serving an xhtml client side with an unobtrusive AJAX scripts overlay based on jQuery and jQuery plugins (including client-side XSLT).

BTW2 This is far fetched as of now, but if any of the Jelix developer team reads this, maybe I could get to know how you feel about me adding a feature to easily mail new translations directly to a Jelix developer teams email address and if so which one?

regards Henrik

  [Opened] Re: jLocale and config

Reply #1 Posted by laurentj on 03/15/2008 15:01


From what I can understand there's no configuration variable for setting an additional locales path

To store properties file, you have two ways :

1) you write them in locales/XXX directories of modules, where XXX is the lang code of the language.

2) or you write them in yourapp/var/overloads/module_name/locales/lang_code/

The var/overloads/ directory contains files which overrides those which are in module (only daos, forms, locales files). So you can "modify" this files without modifying the original files which are stored in modules.

So your application can create new properties file in var/overloads/. Of course, because the name is "var/", the application may have write access in it (same purpose of the /var directory in unix system ;-).

Note that I just have updated the documentation about locales: I explain how to provide automatically multiple languages at the same time on your web site.

How you feel about me adding a feature to easily mail new translations directly to a Jelix developer teams email address and if so which one?

Well, if you want to propose enhancement, new files, (or if you discover a new bug), create a new ticket on the http://developer.jelix.org web site (create an account on it), and attached your new files to this ticket.

No problem to accept new properties file for other language than en_EN and fr_FR, in particularly for the jelix module (lib/jelix/core-modules/jelix/locales/) where there are all messages of Jelix ;-)

  1. jLocale and config