Source for file jDaoGenerator.class.php
Documentation is available at jDaoGenerator.class.php
- <?php
- /**
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @author Croes GĂ©rald, Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Laurent Jouanneau
- * @contributor Bastien Jaillot (bug fix)
- * @contributor Julien Issler
- * @copyright 2001-2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2011 Laurent Jouanneau
- * @copyright 2007-2008 Julien Issler
- * This class was get originally from the Copix project (CopixDAOGeneratorV1, Copix 2.3dev20050901,
- * Few lines of code are still copyrighted 2001-2005 CopixTeam (LGPL licence).
- * Initial authors of this Copix class are Gerald Croes and Laurent Jouanneau,
- * and this class was rewrited for Jelix by Laurent Jouanneau
- *
- * @link
- * @licence GNU Lesser General Public Licence, see LICENCE file
- */
- /**
- * This is a generator which creates php class from dao xml file.
- *
- * It is called by jDaoCompiler
- * @package jelix
- * @subpackage dao
- * @see jDaoCompiler
- */
- class jDaoGenerator {
- /**
- * the dao definition.
- * @var jDaoParser
- */
- protected $_dataParser = null;
- /**
- * The DaoRecord ClassName
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_DaoRecordClassName = null;
- /**
- * the DAO classname
- * @var string
- */
- protected $_DaoClassName = null;
- protected $propertiesListForInsert = 'PrimaryTable';
- protected $aliasWord = ' AS ';
- protected $trueValue = 1;
- protected $falseValue = 0;
- /**
- * constructor
- * @param jDaoParser $daoDefinition
- */
- function __construct($factoryClassName, $recordClassName, $daoDefinition){
- $this->_dataParser = $daoDefinition;
- $this->_DaoClassName = $factoryClassName;
- $this->_DaoRecordClassName = $recordClassName;
- }
- /**
- * build all classes
- */
- public function buildClasses () {
- $src = array();
- $src[] = ' require_once ( JELIX_LIB_PATH .\'dao/jDaoRecordBase.class.php\');';
- $src[] = ' require_once ( JELIX_LIB_PATH .\'dao/jDaoFactoryBase.class.php\');';
- // prepare some values to generate properties and methods
- list($sqlFromClause, $sqlWhereClause)= $this->_getFromClause();
- $tables = $this->_dataParser->getTables();
- $sqlSelectClause = $this->_getSelectClause();
- $pkFields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('PkFields');
- $pTableRealName = $tables[$this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()]['realname'];
- $pTableRealNameEsc = $this->_encloseName('\'.$this->_conn->prefixTable(\''.$pTableRealName.'\').\'');
- $pkai = $this->_getAutoIncrementPKField();
- $sqlPkCondition = $this->_buildSimpleConditions($pkFields);
- if($sqlPkCondition != ''){
- $sqlPkCondition= ($sqlWhereClause !='' ? ' AND ':' WHERE ').$sqlPkCondition;
- }
- //-----------------------
- // Build the record class
- //-----------------------
- $src[] = "\nclass ".$this->_DaoRecordClassName.' extends jDaoRecordBase {';
- $properties=array();
- foreach ($this->_dataParser->getProperties() as $id=>$field){
- $properties[$id] = get_object_vars($field);
- if($field->defaultValue !== null)
- $src[] =' public $'.$id.'='.var_export($field->defaultValue, true).';';
- else
- $src[] =' public $'.$id.';';
- }
- // TODO PHP 5.3 : we could remove that
- $src[] = ' public function getProperties() { return '.$this->_DaoClassName.'::$_properties; }';
- $src[] = ' public function getPrimaryKeyNames() { return '.$this->_DaoClassName.'::$_pkFields; }';
- $src[] = '}';
- //--------------------
- // Build the dao class
- //--------------------
- $src[] = "\nclass ".$this->_DaoClassName.' extends jDaoFactoryBase {';
- $src[] = ' protected $_tables = '.var_export($tables, true).';';
- $src[] = ' protected $_primaryTable = \''.$this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable().'\';';
- $src[] = ' protected $_selectClause=\''.$sqlSelectClause.'\';';
- $src[] = ' protected $_fromClause;';
- $src[] = ' protected $_whereClause=\''.$sqlWhereClause.'\';';
- $src[] = ' protected $_DaoRecordClassName=\''.$this->_DaoRecordClassName.'\';';
- $src[] = ' protected $_daoSelector = \''.jDaoCompiler::$daoId.'\';';
- if($this->trueValue != 1){
- $src[]=' protected $trueValue ='.var_export($this->trueValue,true).';';
- $src[]=' protected $falseValue ='.var_export($this->falseValue,true).';';
- }
- if($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deletebefore') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('delete'))
- $src[] = ' protected $_deleteBeforeEvent = true;';
- if ($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deleteafter') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('delete'))
- $src[] = ' protected $_deleteAfterEvent = true;';
- if ($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deletebybefore') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deleteby'))
- $src[] = ' protected $_deleteByBeforeEvent = true;';
- if ($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deletebyafter') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('deleteby'))
- $src[] = ' protected $_deleteByAfterEvent = true;';
- $src[] = ' public static $_properties = '.var_export($properties, true).';';
- $src[] = ' public static $_pkFields = array('.$this->_writeFieldNamesWith ($start = '\'', $end='\'', $beetween = ',', $pkFields).');';
- $src[] = ' ';
- $src[] = 'public function __construct($conn){';
- $src[] = ' parent::__construct($conn);';
- $src[] = ' $this->_fromClause = \''.$sqlFromClause.'\';';
- $src[] = '}';
- // cannot put this methods directly into jDaoBase because of a php bug on static methods/properties
- // TODO PHP 5.3 resolves it
- $src[] = ' public function getProperties() { return self::$_properties; }';
- $src[] = ' public function getPrimaryKeyNames() { return self::$_pkFields;}';
- $src[] = ' ';
- $src[] = ' protected function _getPkWhereClauseForSelect($pk){';
- $src[] = ' extract($pk);';
- $src[] = ' return \''.$sqlPkCondition.'\';';
- $src[] = '}';
- $src[] = ' ';
- $src[] = 'protected function _getPkWhereClauseForNonSelect($pk){';
- $src[] = ' extract($pk);';
- $src[] = ' return \' where '.$this->_buildSimpleConditions($pkFields,'',false).'\';';
- $src[] = '}';
- //----- Insert method
- $src[] = 'public function insert ($record){';
- if($pkai !== null){
- // if there is an autoincrement field as primary key
- // if a value is given for the autoincrement field, then with do a full insert
- $src[]=' if($record->'.$pkai->name.' > 0 ){';
- $src[] = ' $query = \'INSERT INTO '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' (';
- $fields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('PrimaryTable');
- list($fields, $values) = $this->_prepareValues($fields,'insertPattern', 'record->');
- $src[] = implode(',',$fields);
- $src[] = ') VALUES (';
- $src[] = implode(', ',$values);
- $src[] = ")';";
- $src[] = '}else{';
- $fields = $this->_getPropertiesBy($this->propertiesListForInsert);
- }else{
- $fields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('PrimaryTable');
- }
- if($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('insertbefore') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('insert')){
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoInsertBefore", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector, \'record\'=>$record));';
- }
- // if there isn't a autoincrement as primary key, then we do a full insert.
- // if there isn't a value for the autoincrement field and if this is a mysql/sqlserver and pgsql,
- // we do an insert without given primary key. In other case, we do a full insert.
- $src[] = ' $query = \'INSERT INTO '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' (';
- list($fields, $values) = $this->_prepareValues($fields,'insertPattern', 'record->');
- $src[] = implode(',',$fields);
- $src[] = ') VALUES (';
- $src[] = implode(', ',$values);
- $src[] = ")';";
- if($pkai !== null)
- $src[] = '}';
- $src[] = ' $result = $this->_conn->exec ($query);';
- if($pkai !== null){
- $src[] = ' if(!$result)';
- $src[] = ' return false;';
- $src[] = ' if($record->'.$pkai->name.' < 1 ) ';
- $src[] = $this->genUpdateAutoIncrementPK($pkai, $pTableRealName);
- }
- // we generate a SELECT query to update field on the record object, which are autoincrement or calculated
- $fields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('FieldToUpdate');
- if (count($fields)) {
- $result = array();
- foreach ($fields as $id=>$prop){
- $result[]= $this->genSelectPattern($prop->selectPattern, '', $prop->fieldName, $prop->name);
- }
- $sql = 'SELECT '.(implode (', ',$result)). ' FROM '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' WHERE ';
- $sql.= $this->_buildSimpleConditions($pkFields, 'record->', false);
- $src[] = ' $query =\''.$sql.'\';';
- $src[] = ' $rs = $this->_conn->query ($query);';
- $src[] = ' $newrecord = $rs->fetch ();';
- foreach ($fields as $id=>$prop){
- $src[] = ' $record->'.$prop->name.' = $newrecord->'.$prop->name.';';
- }
- }
- if($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('insertafter') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('insert')){
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoInsertAfter", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector, \'record\'=>$record));';
- }
- $src[] = ' return $result;';
- $src[] = '}';
- //----- update method
- $src[] = 'public function update ($record){';
- list($fields, $values) = $this->_prepareValues($this->_getPropertiesBy('PrimaryFieldsExcludePk'),'updatePattern', 'record->');
- if(count($fields)){
- if($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('updatebefore') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('update')){
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoUpdateBefore", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector, \'record\'=>$record));';
- }
- $src[] = ' $query = \'UPDATE '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' SET ';
- $sqlSet='';
- foreach($fields as $k=> $fname){
- $sqlSet.= ', '.$fname. '= '. $values[$k];
- }
- $src[] = substr($sqlSet,1);
- $sqlCondition = $this->_buildSimpleConditions($pkFields, 'record->', false);
- if($sqlCondition!='')
- $src[] = ' where '.$sqlCondition;
- $src[] = "';";
- $src[] = ' $result = $this->_conn->exec ($query);';
- // we generate a SELECT query to update field on the record object, which are autoincrement or calculated
- $fields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('FieldToUpdateOnUpdate');
- if (count($fields)) {
- $result = array();
- foreach ($fields as $id=>$prop){
- $result[]= $this->genSelectPattern($prop->selectPattern, '', $prop->fieldName, $prop->name);
- }
- $sql = 'SELECT '.(implode (', ',$result)). ' FROM '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' WHERE ';
- $sql.= $this->_buildSimpleConditions($pkFields, 'record->', false);
- $src[] = ' $query =\''.$sql.'\';';
- $src[] = ' $rs = $this->_conn->query ($query, jDbConnection::FETCH_INTO, $record);';
- $src[] = ' $record = $rs->fetch ();';
- }
- if($this->_dataParser->hasEvent('updateafter') || $this->_dataParser->hasEvent('update'))
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoUpdateAfter", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector, \'record\'=>$record));';
- $src[] = ' return $result;';
- $src[] = ' }';//ends the update function
- }else{
- //the dao is mapped on a table which contains only primary key : update is impossible
- // so we will generate an error on update
- $src[] = " throw new jException('jelix~dao.error.update.impossible',array('".jDaoCompiler::$daoId."','".jDaoCompiler::$daoPath."'));";
- $src[] = " }";
- }
- //----- other user methods
- $allField = $this->_getPropertiesBy('All');
- $primaryFields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('PrimaryTable');
- $ct=null;
- foreach($this->_dataParser->getMethods() as $name=>$method){
- $defval = $method->getParametersDefaultValues();
- if(count($defval)){
- $mparam='';
- foreach($method->getParameters() as $param){
- $mparam.=', $'.$param;
- if(isset($defval[$param]))
- $mparam.='=\''.str_replace("'","\'",$defval[$param]).'\'';
- }
- $mparam = substr($mparam,1);
- }else{
- $mparam=implode(', $',$method->getParameters());
- if($mparam != '') $mparam ='$'.$mparam;
- }
- $src[] = ' function '.$method->name.' ('. $mparam.'){';
- $limit='';
- switch($method->type){
- case 'delete':
- $src[] = ' $__query = \'DELETE FROM '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' \';';
- $glueCondition =' WHERE ';
- break;
- case 'update':
- $src[] = ' $__query = \'UPDATE '.$pTableRealNameEsc.' SET ';
- $updatefields = $this->_getPropertiesBy('PrimaryFieldsExcludePk');
- $sqlSet='';
- foreach($method->getValues() as $propname=>$value){
- if($value[1]){
- foreach($method->getParameters() as $param){
- $value[0] = str_replace('$'.$param, '\'.'.$this->_preparePHPExpr('$'.$param, $updatefields[$propname],true).'.\'',$value[0]);
- }
- $sqlSet.= ', '.$this->_encloseName($updatefields[$propname]->fieldName). '= '. $value[0];
- }else{
- $sqlSet.= ', '.$this->_encloseName($updatefields[$propname]->fieldName). '= '.
- $this->_preparePHPValue($value[0],$updatefields[$propname]->datatype,false);
- }
- }
- $src[] = substr($sqlSet,1).'\';';
- $glueCondition =' WHERE ';
- break;
- case 'php':
- $src[] = $method->getBody();
- $src[] = '}';
- break;
- case 'count':
- if($method->distinct !=''){
- $prop = $this->_dataParser->getProperties ();
- $prop = $prop[$method->distinct];
- $count=' DISTINCT '.$this->_encloseName($tables[$prop->table]['name']) .'.'.$this->_encloseName($prop->fieldName);
- }else{
- $count='*';
- }
- $src[] = ' $__query = \'SELECT COUNT('.$count.') as c \'.$this->_fromClause.$this->_whereClause;';
- $glueCondition = ($sqlWhereClause !='' ? ' AND ':' WHERE ');
- break;
- case 'selectfirst':
- case 'select':
- default:
- if($method->distinct !=''){
- $select = '\''.$this->_getSelectClause($method->distinct).'\'';
- }else{
- $select=' $this->_selectClause';
- }
- $src[] = ' $__query = '.$select.'.$this->_fromClause.$this->_whereClause;';
- $glueCondition = ($sqlWhereClause !='' ? ' AND ':' WHERE ');
- if( $method->type == 'select' && ($lim = $method->getLimit ()) !==null){
- $limit=', '.$lim['offset'].', '.$lim['count'];
- }
- }
- if($method->type == 'php')
- continue;
- $cond = $method->getConditions();
- $sqlCond = '';
- if($cond !== null){
- if($method->type == 'delete' || $method->type == 'update')
- $sqlCond = $this->_buildConditions($cond, $primaryFields, $method->getParameters(), false);
- else if($method->type == 'count')
- $sqlCond = $this->_buildConditions($cond, $allField, $method->getParameters(), true);
- else
- $sqlCond = $this->_buildConditions($cond, $allField, $method->getParameters(), true, $method->getGroupBy());
- } else if(($method->type == 'select' || $method->type == 'selectfirst')) {
- $sqlCond = $this->_buildConditions(null, $allField, $method->getParameters(), true, $method->getGroupBy());
- }
- if(trim($sqlCond) != '')
- $src[] = '$__query .=\''.$glueCondition.$sqlCond."';";
- switch($method->type){
- case 'delete':
- case 'update' :
- if ($method->eventBeforeEnabled || $method->eventAfterEnabled) {
- $src[] = ' $args = func_get_args();';
- $methname = ($method->type == 'update'?'Update':'Delete');
- if ($method->eventBeforeEnabled) {
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoSpecific'.$methname.'Before", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector,\'method\'=>\''.
- $method->name.'\', \'params\'=>$args));';
- }
- if ($method->eventAfterEnabled) {
- $src[] = ' $result = $this->_conn->exec ($__query);';
- $src[] = ' jEvent::notify("daoSpecific'.$methname.'After", array(\'dao\'=>$this->_daoSelector,\'method\'=>\''.
- $method->name.'\', \'params\'=>$args));';
- $src[] = ' return $result;';
- } else {
- $src[] = ' return $this->_conn->exec ($__query);';
- }
- } else {
- $src[] = ' return $this->_conn->exec ($__query);';
- }
- break;
- case 'count':
- $src[] = ' $__rs = $this->_conn->query($__query);';
- $src[] = ' $__res = $__rs->fetch();';
- $src[] = ' return intval($__res->c);';
- break;
- case 'selectfirst':
- $src[] = ' $__rs = $this->_conn->limitQuery($__query,0,1);';
- $src[] = ' $this->finishInitResultSet($__rs);';
- $src[] = ' return $__rs->fetch();';
- break;
- case 'select':
- default:
- if($limit)
- $src[] = ' $__rs = $this->_conn->limitQuery($__query'.$limit.');';
- else
- $src[] = ' $__rs = $this->_conn->query($__query);';
- $src[] = ' $this->finishInitResultSet($__rs);';
- $src[] = ' return $__rs;';
- }
- $src[] = '}';
- }
- $src[] = $this->genEndOfClass();
- $src[] = '}';//end of class
- return implode("\n",$src);
- }
- /**
- * create FROM clause for all SELECT query
- * @return array FROM string and WHERE string
- */
- protected function _getFromClause(){
- $tables = $this->_dataParser->getTables();
- foreach($tables as $table_name => $table){
- $tables[$table_name]['realname'] = '\'.$this->_conn->prefixTable(\''.$table['realname'].'\').\'';
- }
- $primarytable = $tables[$this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()];
- $ptrealname = $this->_encloseName($primarytable['realname']);
- $ptname = $this->_encloseName($primarytable['name']);
- list($sqlFrom, $sqlWhere) = $this->genOuterJoins($tables, $ptname);
- if($primarytable['name']!=$primarytable['realname'])
- $sqlFrom =$ptrealname.$this->aliasWord.$ptname.$sqlFrom;
- else
- $sqlFrom =$ptrealname.$sqlFrom;
- foreach($this->_dataParser->getInnerJoins() as $tablejoin){
- $table= $tables[$tablejoin];
- $tablename = $this->_encloseName($table['name']);
- if($table['name']!=$table['realname'])
- $sqlFrom .=', '.$this->_encloseName($table['realname']).$this->aliasWord.$tablename;
- else
- $sqlFrom .=', '.$this->_encloseName($table['realname']);
- foreach($table['fk'] as $k => $fk){
- $sqlWhere.=' AND '.$ptname.'.'.$this->_encloseName($fk).'='.$tablename.'.'.$this->_encloseName($table['pk'][$k]);
- }
- }
- $sqlWhere=($sqlWhere !='') ? ' WHERE '.substr($sqlWhere,4) :'';
- return array(' FROM '.$sqlFrom,$sqlWhere);
- }
- protected function genOuterJoins(&$tables, $primaryTableName){
- $sqlFrom = '';
- foreach($this->_dataParser->getOuterJoins() as $tablejoin){
- $table= $tables[$tablejoin[0]];
- $tablename = $this->_encloseName($table['name']);
- if($table['name']!=$table['realname'])
- $r =$this->_encloseName($table['realname']).$this->aliasWord.$tablename;
- else
- $r =$this->_encloseName($table['realname']);
- $fieldjoin='';
- foreach($table['fk'] as $k => $fk){
- $fieldjoin.=' AND '.$primaryTableName.'.'.$this->_encloseName($fk).'='.$tablename.'.'.$this->_encloseName($table['pk'][$k]);
- }
- $fieldjoin=substr($fieldjoin,4);
- if($tablejoin[1] == 0){
- $sqlFrom.=' LEFT JOIN '.$r.' ON ('.$fieldjoin.')';
- }elseif($tablejoin[1] == 1){
- $sqlFrom.=' RIGHT JOIN '.$r.' ON ('.$fieldjoin.')';
- }
- }
- return array($sqlFrom, '');
- }
- /**
- * build SELECT clause for all SELECT queries
- */
- protected function _getSelectClause ($distinct=false){
- $result = array();
- $tables = $this->_dataParser->getTables();
- foreach ($this->_dataParser->getProperties () as $id=>$prop){
- $table = $this->_encloseName($tables[$prop->table]['name']) .'.';
- if ($prop->selectPattern !=''){
- $result[]= $this->genSelectPattern($prop->selectPattern, $table, $prop->fieldName, $prop->name);
- }
- }
- return 'SELECT '.($distinct?'DISTINCT ':'').(implode (', ',$result));
- }
- protected function genSelectPattern ($pattern, $table, $fieldname, $propname ){
- if ($pattern =='%s'){
- if ($fieldname != $propname){
- $field = $table.$this->_encloseName($fieldname).' as '.$this->_encloseName($propname);
- }else{
- $field = $table.$this->_encloseName($fieldname);
- }
- }else{
- $field = str_replace(array("'", "%s"), array("\\'",$table.$this->_encloseName($fieldname)),$pattern).' as '.$this->_encloseName($propname);
- }
- return $field;
- }
- protected function genEndOfClass() {
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * format field names with start, end and between strings.
- * will write the field named info.
- * eg info == name
- * echo $field->name
- * @param string $info property to get from objects in $using
- * @param string $start string to add before the info
- * @param string $end string to add after the info
- * @param string $beetween string to add between each info
- * @param array $using list of CopixPropertiesForDAO object. if null, get default fields list
- * @see jDaoProperty
- */
- protected function _writeFieldsInfoWith ($info, $start = '', $end='', $beetween = '', $using = null){
- $result = array();
- if ($using === null){
- //if no fields are provided, using _dataParser's as default.
- $using = $this->_dataParser->getProperties ();
- }
- foreach ($using as $id=>$field){
- $result[] = $start . $field->$info . $end;
- }
- return implode ($beetween,$result);;
- }
- /**
- * format field names with start, end and between strings.
- */
- protected function _writeFieldNamesWith ($start = '', $end='', $beetween = '', $using = null){
- return $this->_writeFieldsInfoWith ('name', $start, $end, $beetween, $using);
- }
- /**
- * gets fields that match a condition returned by the $captureMethod
- * @internal
- */
- protected function _getPropertiesBy ($captureMethod){
- $captureMethod = '_capture'.$captureMethod;
- $result = array ();
- foreach ($this->_dataParser->getProperties() as $field){
- if ( $this->$captureMethod($field)){
- $result[$field->name] = $field;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- protected function _capturePkFields(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()) && $field->isPK;
- }
- protected function _capturePrimaryFieldsExcludeAutoIncrement(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()) &&
- ($field->datatype != 'autoincrement') && ($field->datatype != 'bigautoincrement');
- }
- protected function _capturePrimaryFieldsExcludePk(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()) && !$field->isPK;
- }
- protected function _capturePrimaryTable(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable());
- }
- protected function _captureAll(&$field){
- return true;
- }
- protected function _captureFieldToUpdate(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()
- && !$field->isPK
- && !$field->isFK
- && ( $field->datatype == 'autoincrement' || $field->datatype == 'bigautoincrement'
- || ($field->insertPattern != '%s' && $field->selectPattern != '')));
- }
- protected function _captureFieldToUpdateOnUpdate(&$field){
- return ($field->table == $this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()
- && !$field->isPK
- && !$field->isFK
- && ( $field->datatype == 'autoincrement' || $field->datatype == 'bigautoincrement'
- || ($field->updatePattern != '%s' && $field->selectPattern != '')));
- }
- protected function _captureBinaryField(&$field) {
- return ($field->datatype == 'varbinary');
- }
- /**
- * get autoincrement PK field
- */
- protected function _getAutoIncrementPKField ($using = null){
- if ($using === null){
- $using = $this->_dataParser->getProperties ();
- }
- $tb = $this->_dataParser->getTables();
- $tb = $tb[$this->_dataParser->getPrimaryTable()]['realname'];
- foreach ($using as $id=>$field) {
- if(!$field->isPK)
- continue;
- if ($field->datatype == 'autoincrement' || $field->datatype == 'bigautoincrement') {
- return $field;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * build a WHERE clause with conditions on given properties : conditions are
- * equality between a variable and the field.
- * the variable name is the name of the property, made with an optional prefix
- * given in $fieldPrefix parameter.
- * This method is called to generate WHERE clause for primary keys.
- * @param array $fields list of jDaoPropery objects
- * @param string $fieldPrefix an optional prefix to prefix variable names
- * @param boolean $forSelect if true, the table name or table alias will prefix
- * the field name in the query
- * @return string the WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword)
- * @internal
- */
- protected function _buildSimpleConditions (&$fields, $fieldPrefix='', $forSelect=true){
- $r = ' ';
- $first = true;
- foreach($fields as $field){
- if (!$first){
- $r .= ' AND ';
- }else{
- $first = false;
- }
- if($forSelect){
- $condition = $this->_encloseName($field->table).'.'.$this->_encloseName($field->fieldName);
- }else{
- $condition = $this->_encloseName($field->fieldName);
- }
- $var = '$'.$fieldPrefix.$field->name;
- $value = $this->_preparePHPExpr($var, $field, !$field->requiredInConditions, '=');
- $r .= $condition.'\'.'.$value.'.\'';
- }
- return $r;
- }
- protected function _prepareValues ($fieldList, $pattern='', $prefixfield=''){
- $values = $fields = array();
- foreach ((array)$fieldList as $fieldName=>$field) {
- if ($pattern != '' && $field->$pattern == '') {
- continue;
- }
- $value = $this->_preparePHPExpr('$'.$prefixfield.$fieldName, $field, true);
- if($pattern != ''){
- $values[$field->name] = sprintf($field->$pattern,'\'.'.$value.'.\'');
- }else{
- $values[$field->name] = '\'.'.$value.'.\'';
- }
- $fields[$field->name] = $this->_encloseName($field->fieldName);
- }
- return array($fields, $values);
- }
- /**
- * build 'where' clause from conditions declared with condition tag in a user method
- * @param jDaoConditions $cond the condition object which contains conditions data
- * @param array $fields array of jDaoProperty
- * @param array $params list of parameters name of the method
- * @param boolean $withPrefix true if the field name should be preceded by the table name/table alias
- * @param array $groupby list of properties to use in a groupby
- * @return string a WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword) with eventually an ORDER clause
- * @internal
- */
- protected function _buildConditions ($cond, $fields, $params=array(), $withPrefix=true, $groupby=null){
- if($cond)
- $sql = $this->_buildSQLCondition ($cond->condition, $fields, $params, $withPrefix, true);
- else
- $sql = '';
- if($groupby && count($groupby)) {
- if(trim($sql) =='') {
- $sql = ' 1=1 ';
- }
- foreach($groupby as $k=>$f) {
- if ($withPrefix)
- $groupby[$k]= $this->_encloseName($fields[$f]->table).'.'.$this->_encloseName($fields[$f]->fieldName);
- else
- $groupby[$k]= $this->_encloseName($fields[$f]->fieldName);
- }
- $sql .= ' GROUP BY '.implode (', ', $groupby);
- }
- $order = array ();
- foreach ($cond->order as $name => $way){
- $ord='';
- if (isset($fields[$name])){
- if ($withPrefix)
- $ord = $this->_encloseName($fields[$name]->table).'.'.$this->_encloseName($fields[$name]->fieldName);
- else
- $ord = $this->_encloseName($fields[$name]->fieldName);
- }elseif($name[0] == '$'){
- $ord = '\'.'.$name.'.\'';
- }else{
- continue;
- }
- if($way[0] == '$'){
- $order[]=$ord.' \'.( strtolower('.$way.') ==\'asc\'?\'asc\':\'desc\').\'';
- }else{
- $order[]=$ord.' '.$way;
- }
- }
- if(count ($order) > 0){
- if(trim($sql) =='') {
- $sql = ' 1=1 ';
- }
- $sql.=' ORDER BY '.implode (', ', $order);
- }
- return $sql;
- }
- /**
- * build SQL WHERE clause
- * Used by _buildConditions. And this method call itself recursively
- * @param jDaoCondition $cond a condition object which contains conditions data
- * @param array $fields array of jDaoProperty
- * @param array $params list of parameters name of the method
- * @param boolean $withPrefix true if the field name should be preceded by the table name/table alias
- * @param boolean $principal should be true for the first call, and false for recursive call
- * @return string a WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword)
- * @see jDaoGenerator::_buildConditions
- * @internal
- */
- protected function _buildSQLCondition ($condition, $fields, $params, $withPrefix, $principal=false){
- $r = ' ';
- //direct conditions for the group
- $first = true;
- foreach ($condition->conditions as $cond){
- if (!$first){
- $r .= ' '.$condition->glueOp.' ';
- }
- $first = false;
- $prop = $fields[$cond['field_id']];
- if($withPrefix){
- $f = $this->_encloseName($prop->table).'.'.$this->_encloseName($prop->fieldName);
- }else{
- $f = $this->_encloseName($prop->fieldName);
- }
- $r .= $f.' ';
- if($cond['operator'] == 'IN' || $cond['operator'] == 'NOT IN'){
- if($cond['isExpr']){
- $phpvalue= $this->_preparePHPExpr('$__e', $prop, false);
- if(strpos($phpvalue,'$this->_conn->quote')===0){
- $phpvalue = str_replace('$this->_conn->quote(',"'\''.str_replace('\\'','\\\\\\'',",$phpvalue).".'\''";
- $phpvalue = str_replace('\\','\\\\', $phpvalue);
- $phpvalue = str_replace('\'','\\\'', $phpvalue);
- }
- $phpvalue = 'implode(\',\', array_map( create_function(\'$__e\',\'return '.$phpvalue.';\'), '.$cond['value'].'))';
- $value= '(\'.'.$phpvalue.'.\')';
- }else{
- $value= '('.$cond['value'].')';
- }
- $r.=$cond['operator'].' '.$value;
- }elseif($cond['operator'] == 'IS NULL' || $cond['operator'] == 'IS NOT NULL'){
- $r.=$cond['operator'].' ';
- }else{
- if ($cond['isExpr']) {
- $value=str_replace("'","\\'",$cond['value']);
- // we need to know if the expression is like "$foo" (1) or a thing like "concat($foo,'bla')" (2)
- // because of the nullability of the parameter. If the value of the parameter is null and the operator
- // is = or <>, then we need to generate a thing like :
- // - in case 1: ($foo === null ? 'IS NULL' : '='.$this->_conn->quote($foo))
- // - in case 2: '= concat('.($foo === null ? 'NULL' : $this->_conn->quote($foo)).' ,\'bla\')'
- if(strpos($value, '$') === 0){
- $value = '\'.'.$this->_preparePHPExpr($value, $prop, !$prop->requiredInConditions,$cond['operator']).'.\'';
- }else{
- foreach($params as $param){
- $value = str_replace('$'.$param, '\'.'.$this->_preparePHPExpr('$'.$param, $prop, !$prop->requiredInConditions).'.\'',$value);
- }
- $value = $cond['operator'].' '.$value;
- }
- } else {
- $value = $cond['operator'].' ';
- if ($cond['operator'] == 'LIKE' || $cond['operator'] == 'NOT LIKE') {
- $value .= $this->_preparePHPValue($cond['value'], 'string', false);
- } else {
- $value .= $this->_preparePHPValue($cond['value'], $prop->datatype, false);
- }
- }
- $r.=$value;
- }
- }
- //sub conditions
- foreach ($condition->group as $conditionDetail){
- if (!$first){
- $r .= ' '.$condition->glueOp.' ';
- }
- $r .= $this->_buildSQLCondition ($conditionDetail, $fields, $params, $withPrefix);
- $first=false;
- }
- //adds parenthesis around the sql if needed (non empty)
- if (strlen (trim ($r)) > 0 && (!$principal ||($principal && $condition->glueOp != 'AND'))){
- $r = '('.$r.')';
- }
- return $r;
- }
- /**
- * prepare a string ready to be included in a PHP script
- * we assume that if the value is "NULL", all things has been take care of
- * before the call of this method
- * The method generates something like (including quotes) '.some PHP code.'
- * (we do break "simple quoted strings")
- */
- protected function _preparePHPValue($value, $fieldType, $checknull=true){
- if($checknull){
- if($value == 'null' || $value == 'NULL' || $value === null)
- return 'NULL';
- }
- switch(strtolower($fieldType)){
- case 'int':
- case 'integer':
- case 'autoincrement':
- return intval($value);
- case 'double':
- case 'float':
- return jDb::floatToStr($value);
- case 'numeric': //usefull for bigint and stuff
- case 'bigautoincrement':
- if(is_numeric($value))
- return $value;
- else
- return intval($value);
- case 'boolean':
- return $this->getBooleanValue($value);
- default:
- if(strpos($value,"'") !== false){
- return '\'.$this->_conn->quote(\''.str_replace('\'','\\\'',$value).'\''.($fieldType == 'varbinary' ? ',true,true':'').').\'';
- }else{
- return "\\'".$value."\\'";
- }
- }
- }
- protected function _preparePHPExpr($expr, $field, $checknull=true, $forCondition=''){
- $opnull = $opval = '';
- if($checknull && $forCondition != ''){
- if($forCondition == '=')
- $opnull = 'IS ';
- elseif($forCondition == '<>')
- $opnull = 'IS NOT ';
- else
- $checknull=false;
- }
- $type = '';
- if ($forCondition != 'LIKE' && $forCondition != 'NOT LIKE')
- $type = strtolower($field->datatype);
- if ($forCondition != '')
- $forCondition = '\' '.$forCondition.' \'.'; // spaces for operators like LIKE
- switch($type){
- case 'int':
- case 'integer':
- if($checknull){
- $expr= '('.$expr.' === null ? \''.$opnull.'NULL\' : '.$forCondition.'intval('.$expr.'))';
- }else{
- $expr= $forCondition.'intval('.$expr.')';
- }
- break;
- case 'autoincrement':
- $expr= $forCondition.'intval('.$expr.')';
- break;
- case 'double':
- case 'float':
- if($checknull){
- $expr= '('.$expr.' === null ? \''.$opnull.'NULL\' : '.$forCondition.'jDb::floatToStr('.$expr.'))';
- }else{
- $expr= $forCondition.'jDb::floatToStr('.$expr.')';
- }
- break;
- case 'numeric': //usefull for bigint and stuff
- if($checknull){
- $expr='('.$expr.' === null ? \''.$opnull.'NULL\' : '.$forCondition.'(is_numeric ('.$expr.') ? '.$expr.' : intval('.$expr.')))';
- }else{
- $expr=$forCondition.'(is_numeric ('.$expr.') ? '.$expr.' : intval('.$expr.'))';
- }
- break;
- case 'bigautoincrement':
- $expr=$forCondition.'(is_numeric ('.$expr.') ? '.$expr.' : intval('.$expr.'))';
- break;
- case 'boolean':
- if($checknull){
- $expr= '('.$expr.' === null ? \''.$opnull.'NULL\' : '.$forCondition.'$this->_prepareValue('.$expr.', "boolean", true))';
- }else{
- $expr= $forCondition.'$this->_prepareValue('.$expr.', "boolean", true)';
- }
- break;
- default:
- if($checknull){
- $expr= '('.$expr.' === null ? \''.$opnull.'NULL\' : '.$forCondition.'$this->_conn->quote('.$expr.',false'.($type=='varbinary'?',true':'').'))';
- }else{
- $expr= $forCondition.'$this->_conn->quote('.$expr.($type=='varbinary'?',true,true':'').')';
- }
- }
- return $expr;
- }
- protected function _encloseName($name){
- return $name;
- }
- protected function genUpdateAutoIncrementPK($pkai, $pTableRealName) {
- return ' $record->'.$pkai->name.'= $this->_conn->lastInsertId();';
- }
- protected function getBooleanValue($value){
- return ($value === true || $value === 'on' || strtolower($value) =='true'|| intval($value) == 1 || $value==='t'?$this->trueValue:$this->falseValue);
- }
- }
Documentation generated on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 22:14:47 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3