Jelix 1.6.40

jAtom10Info extends jXMLFeedInfo
in package

Table of Contents

$authors  : array<string|int, mixed>
author's list each author is an array('name'=>'','email'=>'','uri'=>'')
$categories  : array<string|int, mixed>
list of category names
$contributors  : array<string|int, mixed>
list of contributors each contributor is an array('name'=>'','email'=>'','uri'=>'')
$copyright  : string
$description  : string
description of the channel. could be pure text or html
$descriptionType  : string
says the type of description : text or html (or xhtml for atom) Values : 'text','html','xhtml'
$generator  : string
the name of the generator
$generatorUrl  : string
url of the generator
$generatorVersion  : string
version of the generator
$icon  : string
icon url
$id  : string
unique id of the channel
$image  : string
url of the image channel
$otherLinks  : array<string|int, mixed>
related links to the channel each link is an array with this keys : href rel type hreflang title length
$selfLink  : string
channel url
$title  : string
title of the channel (only text, no html)
$updated  : string
date of the last update of the channel format : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
$webSiteUrl  : string
url of the web site
$_mandatory  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
setFromXML()  : mixed
fill item with the given xml node



author's list each author is an array('name'=>'','email'=>'','uri'=>'')

public array<string|int, mixed> $authors = array()


list of category names

public array<string|int, mixed> $categories = array()


list of contributors each contributor is an array('name'=>'','email'=>'','uri'=>'')

public array<string|int, mixed> $contributors = array()


description of the channel. could be pure text or html

public string $description


says the type of description : text or html (or xhtml for atom) Values : 'text','html','xhtml'

public string $descriptionType = 'text'


the name of the generator

public string $generator = 'Jelix php framework'

related links to the channel each link is an array with this keys : href rel type hreflang title length

public array<string|int, mixed> $otherLinks = array()


date of the last update of the channel format : yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

public string $updated



fill item with the given xml node

public setFromXML(SimpleXMLElement $feed) : mixed
$feed : SimpleXMLElement
Return values

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