Jelix 1.6.40

in package

allow to normalize & analyse database parameters.

supported parameters in a profile:

  • driver: the jdb driver name, or "pdo" to use dbo ("pdo" value is deprecated, use usepdo instead)
  • database: the name of the database (for sqlite: path to the sqlite file)
  • host: the host of the database
  • port: the port of the database
  • user & password: credentials to connect to the database
  • force_encoding: force the encoding at the connection, using the default encoding of the application
  • dsn: dsn (pdo, odbc... optional)
  • usepdo: true if pdo should be used
  • pdodriver: name of the pdodriver to use. Guessed from dsn
  • pdoext: name of the pdo extension to use. Guessed from dsn
  • dbtype: type of the database (so it determines the SQL language)
  • phpext: name of the php extension to use
  • persistent: if true, the connection should be persistent
  • extensions: some informations about extensions to load (For sqlite for example. optional)
  • single_transaction: indicate to execute all queries into a single transaction (pgsql, optional)
  • busytimeout: timeout for the connection (sqlite, optional)
  • timeout: timeout for the connection (pgsql, optional)
  • search_path: schema for pgsql (optional)
  • table_prefix: prefix to add to database table. Used by jDao (optional)

Table of Contents

$driversInfos  : mixed
informations about correspondance between pdo driver and native driver, type of function etc.
$JdbDriverIndex  : mixed
$parameters  : mixed
$PDODriverIndex  : mixed
$pdoNeededDsnInfo  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
the constructor normalizes parameters: it ensure that all parameters needed by jDb and the targeted database type are there, as some parameters can be "guessed" by jDb or needed for internal use.
getDriversInfosList()  : mixed
getParameters()  : mixed
isExtensionActivated()  : mixed
indicate if the php extension corresponding to the database configuration is available in the current php configuration.
_checkRequirements()  : mixed
getDatabaseInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
it gives the name of the jDb driver and the database type indicated in a profile.
getPDODsn()  : mixed
normalizeBoolean()  : mixed



informations about correspondance between pdo driver and native driver, type of function etc.

protected static mixed $driversInfos = array( //array('database type', 'native extension name', 'pdo extension name', 'jdb driver name', 'pdo driver name') 0 => array('mysql', 'mysqli', 'pdo_mysql', 'mysqli', 'mysql'), 1 => array('mysql', 'mysql', 'pdo_mysql', 'mysql', 'mysql'), 2 => array('pgsql', 'pgsql', 'pdo_pgsql', 'pgsql', 'pgsql'), // pgsql:host=;port=;dbname=;user=;password=; 3 => array('sqlite', 'sqlite3', 'pdo_sqlite', 'sqlite3', 'sqlite'), 4 => array('sqlite', 'sqlite', 'pdo_sqlite2', 'sqlite', 'sqlite2'), 5 => array('oci', 'oci8', 'pdo_oci', 'oci', 'oci'), // experimental oci:dbname=tnsname oci://localhost:1521/mydb 6 => array('mssql', 'mssql', 'pdo_dblib', 'mssql', 'mssql'), // deprecated since PHP 5.3 7 => array('mssql', 'sqlsrv', 'pdo_sqlsrv', 'sqlsrv', 'sqlsrv'), //mssql 2005+ sqlsrv:Server=localhost,port;Database= 8 => array('sybase', 'sybase', 'pdo_dblib', 'sybase', 'sybase'), // deprecated 9 => array('sybase', 'sybase_ct', 'pdo_dblib', 'sybase', 'sybase'), 10 => array('odbc', 'odbc', 'pdo_odbc', 'odbc', 'odbc'), )



protected static mixed $JdbDriverIndex = array('mysqli' => 0, 'mysql' => 1, 'pgsql' => 2, 'sqlite3' => 3, 'sqlite' => 4, 'oci' => 5, 'mssql' => 6, 'sqlsrv' => 7, 'sybase' => 9, 'odbc' => 10)


protected static mixed $PDODriverIndex = array('mysql' => 0, 'pgsql' => 2, 'sqlite' => 3, 'sqlite2' => 4, 'oci' => 5, 'sqlsrv' => 7, 'odbc' => 10, 'mssql' => 6, 'sybase' => 8)


protected static mixed $pdoNeededDsnInfo = array('mysql' => array('host', 'database'), 'pgsql' => array(array('host', 'database'), array('service')), 'sqlite' => array('database'), 'sqlite2' => array('database'), 'oci' => array('database'), 'sqlsrv' => array('host', 'database'), 'odbc' => array('dsn'), 'mssql' => array('host', 'database'), 'sybase' => array('host', 'database'))



the constructor normalizes parameters: it ensure that all parameters needed by jDb and the targeted database type are there, as some parameters can be "guessed" by jDb or needed for internal use.

public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $profileParameters) : mixed
$profileParameters : array<string|int, mixed>

profile parameters for a jdb connection required keys: driver optional keys: dsn, host, username, password, database,....

Return values


public static getDriversInfosList() : mixed
Return values


indicate if the php extension corresponding to the database configuration is available in the current php configuration.

public isExtensionActivated() : mixed
Return values


protected _checkRequirements(mixed $requirements, mixed &$profile) : mixed
$requirements : mixed
$profile : mixed
Return values


it gives the name of the jDb driver and the database type indicated in a profile.

protected getDatabaseInfo(array<string|int, mixed> $profile) : array<string|int, mixed>

(or corresponding to the PDO dsn indicated in the profile).

$profile : array<string|int, mixed>

'driver' key is required. It should indicates 'pdo' or a jdb driver. if 'pdo', a 'dsn' key is required.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

['database type', 'native extension name', 'pdo extension name', 'jdb driver name', 'pdo driver name']


protected getPDODsn(mixed $profile) : mixed
$profile : mixed
Return values


protected normalizeBoolean(mixed &$profile, mixed $param) : mixed
$profile : mixed
$param : mixed
Return values

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