Jelix 1.7.18

jDbReference extends jDbConstraint
in package

used to declare a foreign key.

Table of Contents

$columns  : array<string|int, string>
list of columns on which there is the constraint.
$fColumns  : array<string|int, string>
list of foreign columns.
$fTable  : string
name of the foreign table.
$name  : mixed
$onDelete  : mixed
$onUpdate  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
jDbReference constructor.



list of columns on which there is the constraint.

public array<string|int, string> $columns = array()


list of foreign columns.

public array<string|int, string> $fColumns = array()



jDbReference constructor.

public __construct([string $name = '' ][, string|array<string|int, string> $columns = array() ][, string $foreignTable = '' ][, string|array<string|int, string> $foreignColumns = array() ]) : mixed

Note: all parameters are optional, to be compatible with Jelix < 1.6.16 where parameters didn't exist

$name : string = ''
$columns : string|array<string|int, string> = array()
$foreignTable : string = ''
$foreignColumns : string|array<string|int, string> = array()
Return values

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