Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- CustomUrlHandlerInterface
- interface for custom url handler.
- ConfiguratorInterface
- Interface for classes which configure a module.
- InstallerInterface
- interface of classes which install a module.
- UninstallerInterface
- interface for classes that uninstall a module.
- ReporterInterface
- interface for classes used as reporter for installation or check etc... This classes are responsible to show informations to the user.
- AppInfos
- Author
- EntryPoint
- FrameworkInfos
- InfosAbstract
- ModuleInfos
- Information about the module, retrieved from its module.xml file.
- ModuleXmlParser
- Class to parse the module.xml file of a module.
- ModuleXmlWriter
- ProjectXmlParser
- Class to parse the project.xml file of an application.
- ProjectXmlWriter
- XmlParserAbstract
- XmlWriterAbstract
- jApp
- jAppInstance
- jFramework
- MapParserException
- MapperConfig
- SelectorUrlHandler
- a specific selector for user url handler.
- SelectorUrlXmlMap
- a specific selector for the xml files which contains the configuration of the UrlMapper.
- UrlActionMapper
- an url engine to parse,analyse and create significant url it needs an urls.xml file in the app/system directory (see documentation).
- UrlMapData
- Contain informations of an url, readed from the map file.
- XmlEntryPoint
- XmlMapModifier
- allow to modify the urls.xml file.
- XmlMapParser
- Compiler for the url engine. It can parse urls.xml files.
- XmlRedefinedMapModifier
- allow to modify the urls.xml file.
- ClearTemp
- CloseApp
- FilesRights
- OpenApp
- RedisCacheDeletionWorker
- RedisKvdbDeletionWorker
- Exception
- Item
- ItemException
- Resolver
- Checker
- check an installation of a jelix application.
- CheckerBase
- base class for a jelix installation checker.
- CheckerPage
- show a page with results of jelix environment checking.
- Messages
- Allow to access to some localized messages.
- Configurator
- main class to configure modules.
- EntryPoint
- container for entry points properties, for installers.
- EntryPointConfigurator
- entry points properties for configurators.
- EntryPointPreConfigurator
- entry points properties for configurators.
- Exception
- Installer Exception.
- GlobalSetup
- InstallationResolver
- Migration
- do changes in the application before the installation of modules can be done.
- UrlEngineUpgrader
- ConfigurationHelpers
- DatabaseHelpers
- Trait for installer/configurator classes.
- InstallHelpers
- LocalConfigurationHelpers
- PreConfigurationHelpers
- PreInstallHelpers
- Configurator
- Base class for classes which configure a module.
- Installer
- Base class for classes that does processing to install a module into an instance of the application. A module should have a class that inherits from it in order to setup itself into the application.
- InstallerAbstract
- Base class for installers and uninstallers.
- InteractiveConfigurator
- Uninstaller
- A class that does processing to uninstall a module from an instance of the application. A module should have a class that inherits from it in order to remove things from the application.
- ModuleInstallerLauncher
- Manage status of a module and its installer/updaters.
- ModuleStatus
- container for module properties, according to a specific entry point configuration.
- Html
- an HTML reporter.
- HtmlBuffer
- an HTML reporter storing generated content into a string.
- NoOutput
- a reporter which reports... nothing.
- SimpleConsole
- simple text reporter.
- autocomplete_htmlFormWidget
- Widget allowing to select a value by showing results from a search after the user starts to type a name. The search is made into a select html element filled by the datasource of the control, which should be a menulist.
- autocompleteajax_htmlFormWidget
- Widget allowing to select a value by showing results from a search after the user start to type a name. The search is made by doing an http request to the server. See jAutocompleteAjax jqueryui plugin, which is base on the autocomplete plugin.
- time_htmlFormWidget
- HTML form builder.
- InputHelpers
- ModuleCommandAbstract
- SingleCommandApplication
- Utils
- jProfilesCompiler
- read and consolidate data from a profile, and store results into a cache file.
- jProfilesCompilerPlugin
- default plugin for jProfilesCompiler, and base plugin for other plugins.
- jAcl2DbAdminUIManager
- jAcl2DbManager
- This class is used to manage rights. Works only with db driver of jAcl2.
- jPref
- jPrefItem
- jPrefItemGroup
- jPrefManager
- DbProfileHelpersTrait
- Trait for installer/configurator classes.
- FileHelpersTrait
- Trait for installer/configurator classes.
- InstallConfigTrait
- Trait for installer/configurator classes.
- ReporterTrait
Table of Contents
- jtpl_function_html_breadcrumb() : mixed
- breadcrumb plugin : display breadcrumb trails, ie. user navigation tracking.
breadcrumb plugin : display breadcrumb trails, ie. user navigation tracking.
jtpl_function_html_breadcrumb(jTpl $tpl[, array<string|int, mixed> $nb = null ][, string $separator = '' ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $nb : array<string|int, mixed> = null
the number of items displayed by the plugin
- $separator : string = ''
Symbol separating items