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Jelix is a framework for PHP5, whose objective is to contribute to the realization of applications or Web sites of any kind.

Here is what is proposed to the developer:

  • API dealing with numbers of technical aspects: data access, MVC model, templates, exit format generator (HTML, XUL,…), Web services (xml-RPC, json-RPC), authentication, rights management, localization etc.
  • a modular structure and an organization of the files of the project, imposing a framework and some developing standards.
  • a “layer” organization of the project: presentation, coordination, service, business, persistence.

These characteristics allow for a better re-use of the code, a capitalization of know-how, a better organization in the development, all this moving to a better productivity.

Jelix uses to the maximum of specificities of PHP5, in order to be the lightest and most powerful possible. This is why a project based on Jelix is 100% object.


Original functions and characteristics

  • Modular architecture: an application can be cut out in several reusable modules.
  • Minimal guarantee on the data exchange: Jelix controls the generation of exit format according to the type of request. For example, if we have a request for a XML-RPC web service, we cannot generate HTML, the answer will be obligatorily in XML-RPC. That thus offers a certain robustness of the application in client/server communication. (Unless the developer does not use objects from Jelix, because nothing indeed prevents from making an echo of anything anywhere).
  • Generation of technical errors in specified format: thanks to the Jelix system described before, all the technical errors are returned in the format awaited by the client. For example: no HTML formatted error when client is awaiting XML-RPC or RDF response.
  • Light and evolutionary template engine (jTpl), with a syntax halfway between Smarty and PHP. A plugin system like in Smarty is also available.
  • jDAO, object-relational mapping based on the DAO design pattern (Data Access Object). Declared in XML files, automatic generation of its SQL requests , handling of security problems (SQL injection etc…).
  • Designation of files and resources by selectors, and not by physical ways, then bringing a certain independence to a module from the installation.
  • Event system, allowing module-to-module communication.
  • Overload file: it is possible to redefine some files of a module without changing the originals (DAO, templates, properties). Useful when a module is used by several applications at the same time, or to make easy the update of a third module.

en/about.1157113061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/17 20:31 (external edit)

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