Trace: • roadmap
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Table of Contents
Roadmap ¶
This is a calendar about next releases of Jelix. This date could be changed at any time.
For detailed change, see changelog.
1.0 alpha5 ¶
Date : september, 21th
Many bug fixes, changes and improvements.
1.0 beta ¶
Date : mid-october 2006
The core and the current API will be stable. This will be the time for lastest tests and to add new classes in lib/jelix/utils/.
1.0 ¶
Date : end of Q4 2006
Previous releases ¶
1.0pre-alpha ¶
Date : january 17th, 2006
First public release. Unstable core, unstable API.
1.0alpha1 ¶
Date : febrary 20th, 2006.
Added significant URL engine, and many little improvements. Many bug fixes of course..
1.0alpha2 ¶
Date : march 21th
Main improvements :
- actions.xml file is no more required. Action name should now contains the controller name plus the method name.
- controllers classes are now named jController, and not jActionGroup.
- first release of the standalone version of jtpl
- locales files in UTF-8.
- bug fixes.
1.0alpha3 ¶
Date : may 07th, 2006
Main improvements :
- supports of RESTfull in controllers
- jAcl: a new rights system
- supports of command line applications based on jelix
- Jdb : added SQLite driver
- many bug fixes.
1.0alpha4 ¶
Date : july 04th, 2006
Main improvements :
- common config file for all entry points
- new request and response object : jRdfRequest, jResponseRdf, jReponseXulPage, jReponseXulOverlay, jReponseXulDialog
- jtpl : supports of comments, meta tag. added plugins : zone, urljsstring, dateformat, escxml
- jDbRecordSet implements now Iterator, and dao objects don't return some list anymore, but return iterators (in fact a recordset).
- jDAO* classes renamed to jDao*
- a begining of a XUL interface in auth and acl modules
- Added supports of contextual help in command line system
- and again, many bug fixes..