Trace: • action-creation • creating-action • database-config
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Configuring the database access ¶
Before going further with code, you have to configure Jelix to be able to access a database, and feed this databasea little bit. We will indeed store our news in a table
Jelix can handle mysql, postgresql, sqlite and pdo. Through its driver system, it is possible to add other types of databases (if you don't want to use pdo).
Access configuration file ¶
The access to a database is configured in the file. In this file, you can specify one or several connexion profiles, then one ore several connexions.
Each profile has a name and is specified like this :
[ProfileName] driver="mysql" ; name of the driver to use database="foo" ; name of the base to use host= "localhost" ; name of the machine of the database server user= "john" ; connexion user password="doo" ; password persistent= on ; indicating if the connexion is persistent
Except the dirver parameter, which is mandatory, the other parameters depend on the driver which is used. In general, you will have the database, host, user and password parameters. Change the content of this file according to your configuration. We will take as profile name “” for example, and we will define this profile as the default one by specifying it with the “default” parameter.
default = [] driver="mysql" database="actu" host= "localhost" user= "actu" password="actu" persistent= on
Check in the file that the dbprofil parameter shows the dbprofils.ini.php clearly.
dbProfils = dbprofils.ini.php
It is indeed sometimes interesting to have several entrance points, then several settings sharing the same connexion profiles file, or that each one has its own connexions file.