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en:tutorial:news-form [2007/01/14 08:47] – created doublefaceen:tutorial:news-form [2007/09/17 22:42] (current) – external edit
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-====== Creation of a news form ====== +This page has been moved to [[en:tutorials:main:news-form]].
- +
-A form system, jForms, is under development and will be available in Jelix 1.0 beta2. jForms deals with received data from forms server side and client side at the same time (HTML, XUL, or web services) : creation, save, data check, etc. +
-This part is more or less operational in Jelix 1.0 beta1 but remains however experimental. jForms will be also handle the generation of HTML, XUL or other forms in the templates (starting from jelix 1.0 beta2). +
- +
-While waiting, you will have to use a more "traditional" method :-)  +
- +
-The goal of this chapter, will be to create a form in order to record some new news.+

en/tutorial/news-form.1168764428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/01/15 09:44 (external edit)

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