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en:tutorials:jelixnews-1.7:creating-application [2019/05/23 09:51] – external edit [2019/09/10 08:36] (current) – [Download] laurent
Line 14: Line 14:
 cd projects cd projects
 composer init composer init
-composer require "jelix/jelix-standard dev-jelix-1.7.x"+composer require "jelix/jelix-standard:^1.7.0"
 </code> </code>
-Note: Jelix 1.7 is not ready yet at the time we write these line (1.7.0-rc.2), 
-so you have to indicate @@dev@@ with the option @@minimum-stability@@, during @@composer init@@. 
 At the end, you have a new directory @@vendor@@, containing the source code At the end, you have a new directory @@vendor@@, containing the source code

en/tutorials/jelixnews-1.7/creating-application.1558605074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/23 09:51 by

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