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Jelix news - 2012-01-09

01/09/2012, Jelix team.

First, Happy new year everybody!

During last weeks, some works have been done on the bug tracker and in Jelix itself of course.

A new workflow has been configured in the bug tracker, to have some new state, like "reviewing", "reviewed", "delayed" and "confirmed".

Then a sort have been done. All opened tickets (196) have been checked. Some of them (24) have been closed because they were deprecated, invalid, or already fixed. 35 tickets are now flagged as "delayed" (we don't know yet if we will fix them or no). There were still 137 opened tickets, and 16 of them have to be reviewed. We currently review these patches. 5 of them are now closed.

Last improvements and bug fixes:

  • in jelix 1.4pre:
    • virtual templates, by Doubleface and LaurentJ. You can use templates that are not in files.
    • Thomas improved the XML response, to allow to override the mime type
    • FlorianLB added a new hash function for jAuth, bcrypt, better than sha1.
  • in jelix 1.3.x:
    • simpletest have been upgraded from 1.1a2 to 1.1a3
    • Philippe upgraded jQuery to 1.6.4
    • Thomas fixed a bad function name in the jfullurl plugin for XML
  • in Jelix 1.2.x:
    • Vincent H. fixed a bug in jDbPDOConnection related to the mssql support
    • We added an old contribution of Hadrien: a jscompress plugin for jTpl, to compress inline javascript.
    • Foxmask and LaurentJ fixed some check issues in jforms, in controls that contain only whitespace

We currently study a new roadmap for the project. Stay tune !

If you want to discuss about it and have more news about improvements in Jelix, join us in the mailing list !