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Table of Contents
Translating the manual ¶
The manual is stored in a wiki system (we use dokuwiki), so you can easily create new pages, and translate the manual. However, there are few things to know, in order to produce a good manual and to respect conventions.
Create an account on the wiki, and learn the the wiki syntax of dokuwiki.
The main page of the manual ¶
First, there is an important page of the manual : the summary. The goal of this page is to list all wiki pages which are parts of the manual, the hierarchy and the order of these pages. For that, we use a specific dokuwiki plugin we developed : <bookcontents>
Why this plugin ? It saved the list of these pages in a database, and it then allows :
- to generate automatically a navigation bar for the manual, on each wiki page of the manual
- to generate a PDF version each night. On our server, we have a script which look at this list, read all wiki pages, and include all of their contents in a PDF file. Later, we will have other scripts to generate static HTML pages etc..
In this main page of the manual, you have others plugins : <bookinfo>, <booklegalnotice>,<bookpagelegalnotice>, which contain informations used for the PDF manual or the navigation bar.
Translating the main page ¶
The first thing to do to translate the manual, is to create a main page. In the following example, we take the translation of the manual for jelix 1.1 to Italian language as an example.
- use your language code for the URL of the pages. If you are an italian, the international code is “it”. In the url, you should use also the title of the manual: “manuale-1.1” for example. So you will create all pages of the manual with an url begining by “it/manuale-1.1/” (or, in the dokuwiki syntax : “it:manuale-1.1:”).
- create the main page at the url
- copy the wiki content of manual-1.1 in this new page
- translate all titles of the pages
- replace in all links containing “en:manual-1.1:”, the “en:manual-1.1:” string by “it:manuale-1.1:”
- you can translate the name of the page (the part after “it:manuale-1.1”), but it is recommended to do it each time you begin to translate a page.
- you can translate other part of this page, the content inside the tags <bookinfo>, <booklegalnotice>,<bookpagelegalnotice>.
Translating other pages ¶
- in the main page, check if the title of the page is ok, and if the url of the page is ok. Modify the main page to change them.
- in the main page, click on the link. You will have a message like “the page doesn't exist”. Click on the button “create the page” at the bottom
- copy into it the wiki content of the corresponding english page
- translate the content and save.
- of course, you can save at any time, and you can modify or continue to translate the page when you want.
Generating the PDF version ¶
When you begin to translate the manual, when you have created the main page, tell it in the forum, so an administrator will update the script on the server which is responsible to generate the PDF files from the wiki content. Then, the next night, and each nights, a PDF version will be generated and users could download it.