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[Opened] Documentation is available
Posted by laurentj on 12/06/2008 01:12
Hi all,
the documentation for Jelix 1.0 is now available, and you can read it on the web site or download the PDF version ;-)
[Opened] Re: Documentation is available
Posted by afroxav on 06/21/2009 01:11
The documentation is pretty good (for 1.1.*) however, there are some thing that need more work on. If you like, since I'm planning to create an article on Jelix, I could work on the docs a bit. Oh and by the way, try not to mix two languages in the same framework. Sometimes, it gets a bit weird. Even if I'm a french-speaking person, I always use English in my code, if I need to reuse it or distribute it.
[Opened] Re: Documentation is available
Posted by laurentj on 06/21/2009 14:29
If you like, since I'm planning to create an article on Jelix, I could work on the docs a bit
don't hesitate to do it ! Your help is welcoming. And since you're also a french speaking, if you could make improvements both in the french manual and in the english manual, it could be a very good thing. Only if you have time of course...
try not to mix two languages in the same framework
I don't understand. Many projects provides their web sites or their manuals in different language. I don't see why it is a bad thing. Many french developers are happy to have a manual written in their own language.
If you talk about the source code, all comments are in english. Perhaps there are still few french comments in some very few files, but they are very old comments, certainly written during first weeks of the creation of the framework, or inherited from an old framework, Copix..
Since the begining of the project, source code is written in English.
[Opened] Re: Documentation is available
Posted by afroxav on 06/23/2009 00:31
in the var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php file
messageLogFormat = "%date%\t%code%\t%msg%\t%file%\t%line%\n"
logFile = error.log
email = root@localhost
emailHeaders = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nFrom: >webmaster@yoursite.com\nX-Mailer: Jelix\nX-Priority: 1 (Highest)\n"
quietMessage="Une erreur technique est survenue. Désolé pour ce >désagrément."
; mots clés que vous pouvez utiliser : ECHO, ECHOQUIET, EXIT, LOGFILE, SYSLOG, MAIL, TRACE
default = ECHO EXIT
error = ECHO EXIT
warning = ECHO
notice = ECHO
strict = ECHO
; pour les exceptions, il y a implicitement un EXIT
exception = ECHO
There is more examples of french in there.
[Opened] Re: Documentation is available
Posted by laurentj on 06/23/2009 12:49
Oh ok, the configuration file ;-)
For all those french comments or string you find, please create a ticket on developer.jelix.org, and list all of them (or at least, list files where you found french words).
[Opened] Re: Documentation is available
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