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  [Opened] New Mercurial repository

Posted by laurentj on 07/20/2009 14:56


Today, we migrate from Subversion to Mercurial to manage the source code of Jelix. You will find the repositories here. The subversion repository is now accessible only in read-only access.

For the forge, developers could migrate if they want, in few weeks.

  [Opened] Re: New Mercurial repository

Reply #1 Posted by afroxav on 08/19/2009 00:23


It's great news that the migration went well. However, I'd like to know, when is trac going to be updated to support the Mercurial repo?

I know that the official plugin is still experimental, but it is said to be stable and usable, so why not give it a try?




  [Opened] Re: New Mercurial repository

Reply #2 Posted by laurentj on 08/20/2009 10:55

First, I don't see advantage of the use of a plugin for trac (or could you explain which advantage it will bring ?). The source browser of Mercurial (http://hg.jelix.org) is enough I think. No ?

Second, our trac installation is an old version of trac, and so, to install this plugin, we should migrate to the new version. But for this migration, we have to rewrite all templates because they changed the language of the template. And we should migrate also all tracs installation of the forge. And in these tracs, we used some plugin I hacked. So we need to "migrate" these plugins too.

Unfortunatly, I don't have time for the moment to do all these stuffs. And it seems there is no volonteer for this work...

  [Opened] Re: New Mercurial repository

Reply #3 Posted by afroxav on 09/10/2009 05:20

I would volunteer to write some python, but unfortunately, I am not advanced enough in python...

And for the first part, I was seeing it as an advantage as the tickets could be easily linked with the corresponding version of the repository files. My second reason would be to centralize a maximum of systems together for efficiency. My third reason would be for the sake of habits. The mercurial browser is totally different from the "classic" versioning system. I can easily browse a CVS repo as it is very similar to SVN, but I usually get lost while browsing git or mercurial repos - no offense.



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  5. New Mercurial repository