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  [Opened] One application for many companies

Posted by carugnom on 12/24/2008 12:47

Hi, i'm Mario and i'm new to webdevelopment. I've tried many frameworks, and Jelix looks very good for me. It's somewhat different from others. I'm learning from tutorial and manual, they are very good too.

I need to develop an application wich will be in a server, and will be used by many companies, hopeful ;>)

My thought is to develop a base application with the common functionality, and derive instances for each company. Only where a company has different needs, i overwrite specific methods.

Can this schema be implemented with Jelix ? How ?

Thanks and Merry Christmas !!!

  [Opened] Re: One application for many companies

Reply #1 Posted by bobi on 12/25/2008 15:36

Hello Mario,

The answer is yes of course.

With Jelix, you structure your code in modules. Any module can be shared between application. It is then obvious to develop common functionnality through common modules.

Your derived applications just have to use them and overload some parts to match their specificity. You could overload :

  * template files 
  * locale files
  * dao files
  * forms files  

I hope this will suit your needs.

Merry christmas too !

  [Opened] Re: One application for many companies

Reply #2 Posted by laurentj on 12/26/2008 11:17

Hello Mario,

for controllers, you can create a module with its own controllers which inherits from controllers of other modules, in order to redefine some of their methods. In fact, You just have to use the features of oriented object programming.

Merry Christmas !

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  2. Re: One application for many companies