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  [Opened] generated crud entrypoint

Posted by tudorilisoi on 09/08/2009 18:01

hi, i used createdaocrud to generate a 'scaffold' for my comments table.

I also use the master_admin generated bu initadmin.

My problem is that when I hook the link into the admin menu, it uses the default index entrypoint, instead of the 'admin' entrypoint.

The consequence is that the CRUD lists and forms get displayed in the regular frontend template, instead of the admin template.

The module is called rssmelange, the controller is called comments


The url engine is 'basic_significant'

Can you help?

  [Opened] Re: generated crud entrypoint

Reply #1 Posted by laurentj on 09/12/2009 23:21


You have to indicate in the configuration file, the list of modules attached to each entry points. See the simple_urlengine_entrypoints section in var/config/defaultconfig.ini.php, and add your module here:

  admin="rssmelange~*@classic, jacl2db_admin~*@classic, jauthdb_admin~*@classic, master_admin~*@classic"

  [Opened] Re: generated crud entrypoint

Reply #2 Posted by tudorilisoi on 11/11/2009 09:41

Hi, thanks for your advice. I switched to the significant engine, and things work as intended. As for basic_significant, I did the required configuration in the appropriate ini file section, but still I had no success, although I also specified index=on for all entrypoints

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  4. generated crud entrypoint