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Trace: 1.1

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Jelix 1.1, trunk

Still in development in the trunk directory.

Changelog updated until : SVN-848

Main improvements

  • new API jAcl2, more simple than jAcl
  • support of SOAP
  • many improvements in jForms
  • include jQuery and Wymeditor

Change details

Updating from Jelix 1.0.x

  • remove most of unuseful JELIX_LIB_* constants. Only JELIX_LIB_PATH, JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH and JELIX_LIB_UTILS_PATH still exist. Remove also JELIX_PLUGINS_PATH and JELIX_MODULE_PATH
  • Rename the “plugins” section to “coordplugins” in your configuration files
  • Because of mispelling methods and properties, there were methods and properties renamed:
    • template plugin formdatasfull renamed to formdatafull
    • template plugin formdatas renamed to formdata
    • jFormsBase::getDatas() renommé en getAllData()
    • jFormsDatasource::getDatas() renamed to getData()
    • jFormsDatasource::$datas renamed to $data
    • jFormsDataContainer::$datas renamed to $data
    • jResponseJson::$datas renamed to $data
    • jResponseRdf::$datas renamed to $data
    • jControllerDaoCrud::_checkDatas() renamed to _checkData()
  • in your response object, rename the _commonProcess method to doAfterActions

Improvements, new features

  • all little improvements in the 1.0.x branch
  • core:
    • added support of SOAP (#377)
    • improvements in error handler and exception handler (code refactor) (#467)
    • better error handling in CLI context (#408)
    • made little performance improvement during retrieving of the response object
    • new CRUD controller, jControllerDaoCrudDfk, for tables which have primary key based on 2 fields
  • jResponseHtml:
    • we can specify our own doctype in html response, by overriding the new outputDoctype function.(#440)
    • renamed _commonProcess method to doAfterActions (however _commonProcess is still there for the compatibility)
  • jForms:
    • Improve jForms to allow to use our own builder as a plugin (#434) and now template plugins for jForms are more independant from the output format.
    • New <hidden> control (#212)
    • New <captcha> control (#248)
    • New <hmleditor> control (#215). Abilities to choice your own engine. Added wymeditor, a javascript script to do html wysiwyg editing.
    • support of type=“html” on <input> and <textarea>: then jforms checks the content to avoid security issues like XSS (#381)
    • The compiler has been rewritten to be easier to modify
    • new method jForms::clean() to destroy all oldest forms in sessions
    • new method jFormsBase::getModifiedControls() to know fields which have been modified (#351)
    • new method jFormsBase::prepareDaoFromControl() (similar to saveToDao but the saving is not done) (#497)
    • added the possibility to set the activation of a form's field in a controller (new method jFormsBase::deactivate and jFormsBase::isActivated) (#518)
    • added support of maxlength attribute on input tags (#460)
  • jAcl2: better acl API
  • new module jacl2_admin to manage rights with jAcl2, in a HTML user interface
  • jTpl:
    • added support of multiline tags in templates (#55)
    • New plugin 'cycle' (#149)
  • jelix:utils
    • Added a class to do http request, jHttp, based on netHttp from clearbricks (#7)
    • new class jIniFileModifier
    • new class jDuration, to use with jDateTime
  • jelix-www
    • updated tooltip.js to 1.1 version
    • added jQuery + some plugins
  • added support of virtual jdb profiles (#410)
  • added a javascript packer to compress javascript files in some editions

Bug fixes

  • all bug fixed in the 1.0.x branch
  • fix bug in sqlite.daobuilder : insert() query generated in the dao always used the autoincrement field even if it was not provided
  • jDateTime::durationTo method did a bad calculation of the duration, and now use the new class jDuration (#453)
  • Change content-type of jResponseJSon to application/json according to rfc4627 (#552)

Other versions

en/changelog/1.1.1208970022.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/05/02 09:52 (external edit)

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