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en:changelog:1.6.x [2017/11/12 18:13] laurenten:changelog:1.6.x [2023/01/23 11:37] – [Jelix 1.6.38] laurent
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 This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.6.0 version. This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.6.0 version.
 +====== Jelix 1.6.39 ======
 +Released on january 23th, 2023
 +  * Fix installer: @@useDbProfile@@ must not change the profile name
 +  * jMailer: new value @@"unencrypted"@@ for secure_protocol
 +  * Fix error "two few arguments" during call of some error handlers
 +  * Fix an exception into @@jInstallerComponentModule@@
 +====== Jelix 1.6.38 ======
 +Released on september 20th, 2022
 +  * @@closed.html@@ can now be stored into @@var/themes/@@
 +  * Replace the use of deprecated @@utf8_*@@ functions
 +  * jDb: New option @@session_role@@ in profiles for pgsql to set session role
 +  * Fix: @@jFormsUploadControl2@@ was missing from the package
 +  * Add a facet @@filterHtml@@ to @@jDatatypeString@@
 +====== Jelix 1.6.37 ======
 +Released on may 30th, 2022
 +  * Fix compatibility issues with PHP 8
 +  * jforms, image selector: support of "auto" for width and height of the dialog
 +  * New @@jApp::setApplicationInitFile()@@ to indicate an application.init.php file
 +  * Fix jforms javascript: selection was loose when reloading a menulist via XHR
 +  * jacl2db_admin: fix CSS to stick headers of the rights table
 +  * new method @@jAuth::getReasonToForbiddenPasswordChange()@@ and new interface @@jIAuthDriver3@@
 +====== Jelix 1.6.36 ======
 +Released on march 14th, 2022
 +  * Fix jauthdb_admin: it should call @@jAuth::canChangePassword()@@ when needed
 +  * Fix jForms, formfull widget: display correctly checkboxes
 +  * Fix jForms: separate each item of checkboxes/radioboxes by new line
 +  * Fix jForms: Fix some HTML issues into choice, imageupload and upload2 widgets
 +  * Fix jForms: Fix dynamicFillData when there is an empty value
 +  * Fix: Error pages should not require authentication
 +  * Fix jacl2db: the id_aclgrp field should be bigger than the login field
 +  * Fix core configuration: the retrieval of the documentRoot was bad
 +  * Fix entrypoint installation: support @@require@@ without parenthesis
 +====== Jelix 1.6.35 ======
 +Released on december 13th, 2021
 +  * jForms
 +    * support of option @@widgetsAttributes@@ on the form tag. With this option, we can indicate attributes to set on widgets. Useful when you don't have a ctrl_control tag for a specific widget on which you want to set attributes.
 +    * Fix control time in @@jforms_light.js@@: bad month/day values
 +    * fix setting of default attributes in upload widgets
 +    * fix autoload of @@jFormsControlImageUpload@@
 +    * fix some issues into upload2 and imageupload widgets
 +    * fix the algorithm to guess modified controls with uploads
 +    * fix a JS error when closing the image editor dialog
 +    * fix the label of the cancel button of the image editor dialog
 +  * jAuth
 +    * Add hooks on the login form template. It allows to other modules to add content on the login form, like buttons to use other authentication methods.
 +    * jAuthDb installer should be able to use compatible drivers. If some authentication module have their own driver but are using the same dao/table of jAuthDb, jAuthDb should be able to create default user when needed.
 +    * Fix the @@jauth~login:form@@ controller when after_login is @@jauth~login:form@@
 +  * jAcl2
 +    * jacl2db_admin: add title on the pages
 +    * Fix jacl2db sql upgrade script about @@jacl2_group.code@@
 +    * Fix jacl2db sql upgrade script about rights for anonymous users
 +  * jDb
 +    * Fix mysqli connector: execMulti did not return errors. When the given sql scripts fails, there was not an exception, contrary as it is expected.
 +  * Core
 +    * Support of @@<name>.class@@ properties in the @@coordplugins@@ section of the configuration. It allows to specify a class if its name is different from @@*CoordPlugin@@.
 +    * Backport support of localframework.ini.php. It allows for modules installers to declare a new entrypoint. Installers should call the new method @@createEntryPoint()@@.
 +    * Fix jelix upgrade script about @@availableLanguageCode@@
 +  * jTpl
 +    * Fix @@number_format@@ modifier with decimal point value, when @@''@@ is given
 +  * Utils
 +    * Backport some features of @@\Jelix\IniFile@@ into @@jIniModifier@@
 +  * Installer
 +    * @@jInstallerBase::createEntryPoint()@@ should set the path to application.init.php
 +  * Fix typo in some locales
 +  * Fix the load of some classes with some tools like phpstan
 +  * Fix the file2 driver for jKvDb
 +  * Fix some doc comments
 +  * Rename namespace @@jelix@@ by @@Jelix@@. No consequence on your code, but it helps to generate a better reference documentation
 +====== Jelix 1.6.34 ======
 +Released on july 30th, 2021
 +  * Fix the installer during the setup of the module access
 +  * Fix @@jResponseHtml::addJsLink@@: possibility to setup the @@type@@ attribute
 +  * Fix jauthdb_admin user creation: login name should be trimmed
 +  * Fix automatic domain name and port retrieval. In some Nginx configuration, SERVER_NAME may be initialized with the port, and so jUrl may generate some url with two port. 
 +  * Fix crash in PHP 8 and warning in PHP 7.4 within jDb and the core
 +  * Translations are now available in several languages
 +====== Jelix 1.6.33 ======
 +Released on February, 26th, 2021
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix php 7 compat issue in the memcache driver
 +  * Fix jacl2db_admin: missing translations
 +  * Fix command acl2right: forbidden rights were displayed as authorized rights
 +  * Fix acl2right command: subcommand to forbid a right was missing
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jacl2db_admin: little improvements in the display of list of rights to be more usable
 +  * New option @@force_new@@ in profiles for pgsql to force a new connection
 +====== Jelix 1.6.32 ======
 +Released on February, 22th, 2021
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix various issues with PHP 8.0
 +  * Fix some dao locales that have a bad pattern for sprintf
 +  * Fix float to string convertion into jDb
 +  * Fix pgsql schema: should list only tables from the search_path
 +====== Jelix 1.6.31 ======
 +Released on January, 13th, 2021
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix comparison of values in the jForms modified check
 +  * Fix many issues in the checking of admin rights in administration UI. There were some situation when the checking was badly done, so there were some possibility into the UI to remove completely admin rights.
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jauthdb_admin: adding autocomplete to search users
 +  * jInstaller, module.xml: allow http:// as well as https:// into the namespace value
 +====== Jelix 1.6.30 ======
 +Released on November, 23th, 2020
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix a compatibility issue with php 7.4 into command line scripts
 +  * Fix a issue in jAcl2 admin: an administrator could put himself into a group which forbid some admin rights, and so he was not an administrator anymore.
 +  * Fix a php error in listbox form widget
 +  * Fix basePath on the command line
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * New script to test the mailer configuration : @@php scripts/script.php jelix~mailer:test my.email[at]example.com@@.
 +  * New method @@jEvent::getParameters()@@
 +  * jforms: support of "time" controls (new class @@jFormsControlTime@@, and support of @@<time>@@ in xml files)
 +  * jAcl2 admin: added confirmation to delete a group
 +  * jAcl2 admin: added a separator between groups in users list
 +  * New method @@jAuth::setUserSession()@@
 +  * New methods on jServer: @@getDomainName()@@, @@getServerURI()@@, @@getPort()@@, @@isHttps()@@
 +New contributor : Adrien Lagroy de Croute and Joel Kociolek
 +====== Jelix 1.6.29 ======
 +Released on August, 17th, 2020
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix a regression in dbcache plugin for jAcl2
 +  * jDb schema: fix column comparison on autoincremented fields
 +  * Fix a security issue with return url of jAuth
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * new @@jAcl2::checkByUser()@@, to check a right for a non-connected user
 +  * Support of database name in Pgsql profile having a service name
 +  * new event @@jformsPrepareToFillDynamicList@@ during dynamic fill of datasources. When a control is filled with an ajax request, we should be able to prepare the form, when this one is constructed dynamically.
 +====== Jelix 1.6.28 ======
 +Released on June, 8th, 2020
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * core: Fix jelix autoloader when there are similar namespaces. When a first namespace has a name that is the prefix of a second namespace, path to classes of the second namespace were badly resolved.
 +  * Fix http code when displaying the closing page
 +  * Upgrade PHPMailer to 5.2.28
 +  * jalc2 module installer: do not enable jacl2 plugin on command line scripts
 +  * js files for localizing datepicker were not loaded in the right order (Joel Kociolek)
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * core: add parameters for the session cookie into the configuration (@@cookieSecure@@, @@cookieHttpOnly@@, @@cookieLifetime@@, @@cookieSameSite@@), and is now @@httponly@@ by default.
 +  * Core: allow file selectors to have @@-@@ and @@_@@ in the file name
 +  * jIniMultiFilesModifier: add @@isSection()@@ method like in jIniFileModifier
 +  * installer: new methods @@jInstallerEntryPoint::getSingleMainConfigIni()@@ and @@getSingleLocalConfigIni()@@
 +  * jLocale: allow to store locales into @@<app>/app/locales@@, like in Jelix 1.7.
 +  * Sitemap: cache feature to store urls temporarly. Configure a "sitemap" cache profile, then call the hasUrlInCache() method in the controller. If it is true, the cache is still valid, and so just return the response object. If the hasUrlInCache() is not called, no cache is managed.
 +====== Jelix 1.6.27 ======
 +Released on March, 24th, 2020
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix compatibilities issues with PHP 7.4
 +  * jDb: Fix support of FETCH_INTO into pgsql.dbresultset.php
 +  * jDb: Fix issue with prepared queries with pgsql driver
 +  * jDb: Fix issues in the SQLServer driver
 +  * jDb: Fix warning when closing a shared connection in postgresql
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jforms: new widget imageupload
 +  * jforms: new widgets autocomplete and autocompleteajax
 +  * jInstaller: support of optional modules in dependencies
 +====== Jelix 1.6.26 ======
 +Released on January, 29th, 2020
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix compatibility with Postgresql 12 in the pgsql plugin (about schema features)
 +  * Fix @@getAttribute()@@ method in the pgsql plugin
 +  * Fix the cache of the configuration  when the application is accessible with several domains
 +  * Fix CSS style into the upload2 widget (jforms)
 +  * Fix .htaccess for Apache 2.4
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jMailer: Add smtp debug mode. New configuration property @@debugSmtpLevel@@
 +====== Jelix 1.6.25 ======
 +Released on october 20th, 2019 
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix jforms Date/DateTime widgets: they support more date format now
 +  * Fix jforms upload2: fix label of choice about 'no file'
 +  * Fix regression in deprecated builder of jforms, about JS/CSS links
 +  * Fix redis driver of jCache and jKvDb: replace deprecated Redis::delete() method by Redis::del()
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jForms htmleditor: support of a $lang parameter in url from the configuration, to load js files corresponding to the current lang of the user
 +  * New stdout and stderr logger: log content can be output to stdout or stderr
 +====== Jelix 1.6.24 ======
 +Released on july 23th, 2019 
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * jForms: fix the method showActivate()
 +  * Fix js choice in jForms: control of previous item was added to the next one
 +  * Fix jFormsControlUpload2 introduced into 1.6.23
 +  * Fix sqlsrv jDb driver: encloseName method is missing
 +  * Fix jDaoRecordBase::save(): did not save with the right profile in some cases
 +  * Fix jauthdb_admin, with user tables that have not login as primary keys
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jResponseBinary: add the possibility to delete the file after sending it
 +  * jFormsBase:iniFromDao(): a Dao record can now be given as first parameter
 +  * Improve customization of jauthdb_admin, with new events and tpl variables
 +====== Jelix 1.6.23 ======
 +Released on april 7th, 2019 
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * jForms: fix the date widget, when the value includes hours
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jForms: new attribute 'controlclass' to indicate the class to use for the control
 +  * jForms: new control for uploads with enhanced management of previous file. To use this new control, use the @@<upload>@@ tag with the attribute @@controlclass="jFormsControlUpload2"@@.
 +====== Jelix 1.6.22 ======
 +Released on march 14th, 2019 
 +==== Bug fixed ====
 +  * Fix PHP 7.3 compat issue into jIniFile and jIniFileModifier
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * Some new jTpl plugins: fetchtpl, tolog, ifctrlexists
 +  * jForms: new widget to have a color picker. The use of this widget should be configured manually: @@{form $form, $submitAction, $submitParam, 'html', array('plugins'=>array('couleur'=>'color_html'))}@@
 +  * New methods on jEvent to retrieve easily boolean and item responses
 +====== Jelix 1.6.21 ======
 +Released on january 30th, 2019 
 +==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * Fix jRequest: force HTTPS port when forceProxyProtocol is set
 +  * Fix installer: loading of profiles.ini.php was done without sections
 +  * Fix jauthdb_admin: when creating a user, there was not check if he already exists
 +  * Fix typo in locales for cache drivers
 +  * Fix installer: ignore new dependencies rules introduced for Jelix 1.7 into module.xml
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * jAuth: new method canChangePassword and new interface jIAuthDriver2 for authentication drivers
 +  * jAuthdb_admin: new events to prepare forms before checking: jauthdbAdminBeforeCheckCreateForm and jauthdbAdminBeforeCheckUpdateForm
 +  * Installer: support of upgrade_1_6.php for modules supporting both Jelix 1.6 and 1.7
 +====== Jelix 1.6.20 ======
 +Released on january 17th, 2019
 +==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * Fix pgsqlDbTable::_loadColumns with PgSQL 11
 +  * Fix internal plugin json_encode of jTplCompiler
 +  * Fix jAcl2DbUserGroup::getPrivateGroup() when there is no private group
 +  * Fix variable initialization into jImageModifier
 +  * Fix list of pages into the pagelinks plugin
 +  * Fix jDao: expression of values in update methods, was not generated entirely
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * New jelix script inifile.php. It allows to modifie an ini file from the commande line
 +  * CRUD controller: inject the record into the view template. It allows to access to some properties that are not into the form.
 +  * List of jQuery/jQueryUI files is entirely configurable. There is not anymore jquery.js filename or other jQueryUI filenames hardcoded into jforms plugins or other files. Path to these files are now indicated into the configuration, in a new jquery section.
 +  * Datepicker: add locales for jforms
 +====== Jelix 1.6.19 ======
 +Released on october 21th, 2018
 +==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * Fix object error in the command createentrypoint
 +  * Fix jForms errors output: check the control name in errors correspond to an existing control
 +  * jDb, Sqlite plugin: fix sql function for 'now' alias name
 +  * Fix jDaoRecordBase::save(): it didn't use the profile used to retrieve the record
 +  * Fix jVersionComparator: support more version scheme
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * support of a script @@install_1_6.php@@ for modules that should have an installer compatible with Jelix 1.7 and 1.6.
 +  * support of a @@upgrade.php@@ in modules to execute upgrade code at each new version of the module.
 +  * jForms: support of @@capture@@ and @@accept@@ attributes on @@<upload>@@
 +  * jForms: improvements on properties of HtmlBuilder and WidgetBase to ease the creation of new builders and widgets
 +  * new plugins for templates: dumptolog, vardump, ifctrl_value, json_encode, jurlpattern
 +  * New jFile::copyDirectoryContent()
 +====== Jelix 1.6.18 ======
 +Released on july 11th, 2018
 +==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * Fix performance issue in jInstaller
 +  * Fix jInstaller: it doesn't modify anymore entrypoint configuration file if it is not needed (about module access values)
 +  * Fix jForms: Error message for missing value in a field was not generated in JS when the field was not required.
 +  * Fix jEvent::inResponse(): it didn't returns the expected values
 +  * Fix template loader: it support the fallbackLocale option to find a localized template
 +  * Fix installer.php script:it should set an exit code > 0 when there is an error
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * Support of a new configuration file @@liveconfig.ini.php@@, to store parameters modified during the live of the application (like persistant_crypt_key)
 +  * pgsql driver: support of pg options for connection, in an new profile option @@pg_options@@
 +  * jDb/pgsql: improve error message when using a PG service
 +  * jAuth: allow to store driver name into the main configuration file (@@driver@@ in the section @@coordplugin_auth@@).
 +====== Jelix 1.6.17 ======
 +Released on 17 april 2018
 +==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * Fix jDbSchema: unique constraint should be generated for auto incremented field not PK
 +  * Fix jDbSchema: fix alterColumn for pgsql
 +  * Fix jDaoDbMapper: should generate auto incremented columns with good not null/default value
 +  * Fix jDbColumn: equality should be made with native type
 +  * Fix jForms url for @@jelix~jforms:getListData@@
 +  * Fix jMailer with html template: links are expanded correctly in the text version
 +  * Fix jMailer when single strings are given to meta properties in a tpl
 +  * Fix jAuth: set url return only on GET method during logout
 +  * Fix jAuth: persistant cookie was never set
 +  * Fix jIniModifier: false value was saved as empty string instead of 'off'
 +  * Fix jDbPDO: 'mysqli' name as driver was not supported
 +  * Fix jacl2db installer: __priv_admin was not created
 +  * Fix jImageModifier: do not transform image when the loading has failed
 +  * Fix jImageModifier: better names of cache files, and store them into sub-directories. set @@use_old_cache_path=1@@ into the @@[imagemodifier]@@ section to keep old storage naming
 +  * Fix jImageModifier: cache_url and src_url config parameters were not recognized when they contained https url
 +  * Fix output when jControllerDaoCrud::view fails to load the record
 +  * Fix installer of jtcpdf
 +==== Improvements ====
 +  * New AuthChangePassword event when jAuth::changePassword() is called
 +  * jInstaller: better error messages about bad version number
 +  * jResponseHtml: new properties for IE mode, viewport and metas
 +  * jResponseHtml: new method addMeta() and outputMetaTag()
 +  * jRequest: new method isPostMethod()
 +  * jDaoConditions: add support of BETWEEN operator
 +  * jForms: support of placeholder default value in ctrl_control
 +  * jForms: possibility to redefine the html of the help on the form builder
 +  * jForms: possibility to configure a default error decorator for all forms
 +  * jForms: improved http errors when retrieving data for dynamic lists
 +  * jMailer: new debug mode, allowing to specify receivers and sender for every mails
 +  * jMailer: possibility to store SMTP credentials into profiles.ini.php
 +  * jInstallerBase::insertDaoData(): allowing to use data from an other module
 +  * Master_admin: check unchanged password for every users
 +  * Add support of http_method variable into format of error messages
 ====== Jelix 1.6.16 ====== ====== Jelix 1.6.16 ======
-Not released yet+Released on January 15th, 2018
 ==== Bugs fixed ==== ==== Bugs fixed ====
 +  * jDao: the @@grouby@@ attribute on @@<method>@@ elements is deprecated, as its implementation does not give predictable results and generated request are not supported by recent MySQL server (and any other databases). @@jDaoConditions::addItemGroup()@@ is deprecated as well.
 +  * jForms with DAO datasource: no more unwanted labels for null or empty keys for choices (By Migratis)
 +  * jAcl2Db: no more errors when creating a role, a right, a user or a group when it does already exists
 +  * Fix support of HTTPS proxy in the URL generator, with the new configuration parameter  [[https://docs.jelix.org/en/manual-1.6/installation/production-serveur|forceProxyProtocol]]
   * ldap auth: replace deprecated ldap_sort() function   * ldap auth: replace deprecated ldap_sort() function
   * jDb: fix limitQuery for MSSQL when an order clause exists (by Mael)   * jDb: fix limitQuery for MSSQL when an order clause exists (by Mael)
 +  * Fix support of ssl_self_signed in jSoapClient in php 5.3 
 +  * Fix support of PHP 7.2 
 +  * Upgrade PHPRedis to 2.0.1 to fix a mispelled variable name 
 +  * @@jEvent::inResponse()@@: fix processing of returned value other than arrays 
 +  * Install scripts of jAcl2db and jelix module: no more errors when tables already exists
 ==== Improvements ==== ==== Improvements ====
   * Db tools - new 'schema' option in @@getFieldList()@@ for pgsql (by M. Douchin)   * Db tools - new 'schema' option in @@getFieldList()@@ for pgsql (by M. Douchin)
-  * Possibility to configure the error logger to not output sensitive data into logs+  * Full support of Postgresql, Sqlite3 and Mysql in jDbSchema, to create, modify or delete tables, columns, references... 
 +  * New class jDaoDbMapper, allowing to create a table from a DAO file, in an installation script 
 +  * New methods @@jDbTools::insertBulkData()@@ and @@jInstallerBase::insertDaoData()@@  to insert data easily, during installation 
 +  * Possibility to configure the error logger to not output sensitive data into logs, with the new configuration option @@sensitiveParameters@@ 
 +  * Basic Significant Url engine: it is now possible to replace the module name in the url, with a new configuration section  @@basic_significant_urlengine_aliases@@ 
 +  * Acl administration interface: it is not possible anymore to remove admin rights to a user it he is the only one user having these rights
   * jDao: support of the ilike operator in conditions (by Migratis)   * jDao: support of the ilike operator in conditions (by Migratis)
-  * jDao: the grouby attribute on method elements are deprecated, as its implementation does not give predictable results and generated request are not supported by recent MySQL server (and any other databases).+  * New logger @@soapfile@@ for SOAP logs

en/changelog/1.6.x.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/17 10:00 by laurent

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