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en:download [2006/09/02 09:37] laurenten:download [2024/04/26 21:47] (current) – external edit
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-====== Download ======+~~LANG:FR@fr:telechargement~~
-===== Jelix =====+====== Downloads ======
-    * Last official version : 1.0alpha4. [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/jelix-lib-1.0alpha4.tar.gz|tar.gz]]  (340ko) +===== Maintenance policy =====
-    * Last snapshot from the development version :  SVN-247 ([[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/jelix-lib-SVN-247.tar.gz|tar.gz]]). It contains last improvements and bug fixes from 1.0alpha4. (See [[changelog]]). +
-===== Test Applications =====+Major versions (x.y) are **maintained for 3 years**. This is the active support: bugs fix, security hole, little improvements. This leads to the release of maintenance versions (minor versions x.y.z), every 1 to 3 months, 
 + depending on the criticality of bug fixes.
-  * MyApp 1.0 alpha4 : a sample application as an exemple +Then they are @@maintained one more year@@, only for security hole (security support).
-     * [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/myapp-1.0alpha4.tar.gz|tar.gz]] +
-  * TestApp 1.0 alpha4 : for Jelix Hackers. It contains some test suite about  Jelix components. +
-     * [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/testapp-1.0alpha4.tar.gz|tar.gz]]+
 +Maintenance is extended if next major version is not ready after 3 years.
-   * [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/myapp-SVN-247.tar.gz|myApp snapshot SVN-247]] +===== Version policy =====
-   * [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/testapp-SVN-247.tar.gz|testapp snapshot SVN-247]]+
-===== jTpl, the standalone version =====+Major versions are noted @@x.y@@. Minor versions are noted @@x.y.z@@. So it does not follow exactly the semantic notation defined by [[https://semver.org/|Semver]].
-The template engine of Jelix is available as a standalone component. So you can use it without Jelix 
-  * 1.0 alpha2[[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/jtpl-1.0alpha2.tar.gz|tar.gz]] +A new major version could have API breakage, but it is rare since Jelix 1.7.
-  * snapshot SVN-206 : [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/jtpl-SVN-206.tar.gz|tar.gz]]+
-===== jBuildTools =====+Deprecated API are removed at each "ultra major" versions (like 1.0.0, 2.0.0...). But some deprecated API can be removed in some major versions when they are deprecated since many major versions.
-Tools used to build Jelix  +This is why it is highly recommended to use the composer constraint @@~@@ in the @@composer.json@@ file of your project:
-  * 1.0 alpha2. [[http://prdownload.berlios.de/jelix/jbuildtools-1.0alpha2.tar.gz|tar.gz]]+
 +"require": {
 +   "jelix/jelix-standard" : "~1.8.0"
 +Avoid to use the @@^@@ constraint (for example @@^1.8.0@@).
 +===== Stable versions =====
 +The latest available stable version is Jelix  ~~version 1.8~~.
 +**[[en:download:stable:1.8|Donwload Jelix 1.8]]**
 +===== Unstable versions =====
 +If you want to test latest developments, got to [[en:download:nightly|the page of unstable versions ]]
 +====== Components ======
 +Some components of Jelix are available separately and usable without Jelix. Install them via Composer, from http://packagist.org. Some of these packages are automatically installed by the package jelix/jelix.
 +See the page [[en:independent-components]].
 +====== Additional modules and plugins ======
 +Some modules and plugins for Jelix  are available via Composer, from http://packagist.org. Some of these packages are automatically installed by the package jelix/jelix.
 +See the catalog on https://booster.jelix.org.
 +====== Deprecated and unmaintened versions ======
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.7|Jelix 1.7]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.6|Jelix 1.6]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.5|Jelix 1.5]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.4|Jelix 1.4]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.3|Jelix 1.3]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.2|Jelix 1.2]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.1|Jelix 1.1]]
 +  * [[en:download:stable:1.0|Jelix 1.0]]
-====== Last releases ====== 
-See [[http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5643|this page]]. 

en/download.1157189845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/17 20:31 (external edit)

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