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Trace: fin download

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Here is all last official and stable releases of Jelix products. You have also nightly builds of the products. Nightly builds are the last development versions, and contains last improvements and bug fixes. (and this package are build every nights). Jelix framework


important: when you update jelix, don’t forget to clean your application temp directory.

Test Applications

  • MyApp 1.0 alpha5 : a sample application as a skeleton example
  • TestApp 1.0 alpha5 : for Jelix Hackers. It contains some test suite about Jelix components.

jTpl, the standalone version

The template engine of Jelix is available as a standalone component. So you can use it without Jelix


Tools used to build Jelix

Old releases

See this page.

en/download.1162983864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/01/15 09:44 (external edit)

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