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Trace: download

This is an old revision of the document!


For old and deprecated releases, see download.jelix.org.


List of changes brings by each version, release dates, PHP compatibility and so one: this is on the changelog page.

Modules and plugins for Jelix 1.7 and higher

Some modules and plugins for Jelix are available via Composer, from http://packagist.org but also from http://packages.jelix.org. Some of these packages are automatically installed by the package jelix/jelix.


Some components of Jelix are available separately and usable without Jelix. Install them via Composer, from http://packagist.org but also from http://packages.jelix.org. Some of these packages are automatically installed by the package jelix/jelix.

en/download.1555490063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/17 08:34 by laurent

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