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  [Opened] How to release a module

Posted by Kirk on 11/01/2010 15:28

I was wondering, what should I think about (coding wise) if I were to release a custom module to the public? I'm guessing events, an installer...?

  [Opened] How to release a module

Reply #1 Posted by foxmask on 11/01/2010 16:38


If your module(s) is(are) for the free software "community", you can load the sources on a public repository like Bitbucket or GitHub. (then you could manage your source easily)

Once it's done :

 * you need to test the installation yourself, in an empty environment and in an existing environment, (by environment i mean application)
 * you need to provide a complete documentation that explains what does the module,
 * if the target of the module is an application for Jelix 1.1, an installation process will be welcome on how to install the module step by step (copy file/setup the config file/run SQL scripts), or making your own wizard (if it's really necessary) to enchain all the steps
 * if the target of the module is an application for Jelix 1.2(RC), take care to correctly fill the module.xml file (with depending module if required), thus the jelix installer, will handle the installation process, and will enchain the module installation. here you can also use a wizard made with the [installWizard|http://jelix.org/articles/en/manual-1.2/create-wizard] (you can find it in lib/installWizard with a complete README.txt)
 * Finally, a place where you can announce the release of the module and where to find the package to install ;-)

to read :

 * http://jelix.org/articles/en/manual-1.1/installation/applications
 * http://jelix.org/articles/en/manual-1.2/installation/applications

Hope this could help.


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  [Opened] How to release a module

Reply #2 Posted by Kirk on 11/01/2010 17:16

Thank you!

But I was also wondering, are there any things that one should include? I get the feeling events are more or less a must, is there anything else?

  [Opened] How to release a module

Reply #3 Posted by foxmask on 11/01/2010 18:34

I dont think i forgot something else ; may be you can also include some snapshot to illustrate the module. If someone else has another suggestion.

@GitHub - Forum HaveFnuBB! powered by Jelix - Le Booster Jelix !

  [Opened] How to release a module

Reply #4 Posted by laurentj on 11/02/2010 09:46


The most important thing, is to provide an installation script (if some sql tables must be created etc..). it will be easier to install your module for the user. See the corresponding chapter.

The wizard : not needed since it is to install a whole application, not just a module.

  1. Migration jelix depuis 1.2 vers 1.5 >
  2. How to release a module