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  [Opened] Jelix 1.1RC1 released !

Posted by bballizlife on 12/09/2008 11:39

The Jelix Team is proud to announce the release of Jelix 1.1RC1, the last release of the Jelix open-source php5 framework that helps you to develop any kinds of web applications.

Read more about new features of Jelix 1.1RC1 in the changelog:

You can also read the announcement on Jelix web site:

Download Jelix 1.1RC1

If you have any question, or think you may have found a bug, ask on the #jelix IRC channel, on Jelix users mailing list, or on Jelix forums:

Jelix Team

N'importe comment c'est dans la doc

  1. Booster : live ! >
  2. generated crud entrypoint >
  3. new design >
  4. Nice framework >
  5. booster >
  6. jCommunity login >
  7. Configuration jelix >
  8. Jelix 1.1RC1 released !