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Trace: tutorials hall-of-fame 1.2 1.4 telechargement laurent-jouanneau 1.0.2 1.0.4 1.0.x

Updating from Jelix 1.0.x

This release fixes only a few little bugs. You can update jelix safely and you don't have to make changes in your source code. Here are instructions:

  • You can replace safely the lib directory by the new one provided in new package.
  • delete all files in the temp/ directories

Jelix 1.0.14

Release date: 09/07/2011. Last release of the branch 1.0.

Fixed Bugs

  • XSS Vulnerability in the form of the module jauth. In the template “auth~login.form”, the variable $login was not escaped.

en/changelog/1.0.x.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/07 13:22 by laurent

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