Trace: • 1.1rc1
Table of Contents
Jelix 1.1rc1 ¶
This page is listing updates and enhancements added since the 1.1beta1 version, and that will be available in the future 1.1rc1 version.
Changelog updated until : SVN-1213
Main improvements ¶
Updating from Jelix 1.0.x ¶
Read the instructions in the manual.
Updating from Jelix 1.1b1 ¶
- replace the lib directory by the one in jelix 1.1beta2
- remove all the files in the temp/ directory
Details of changes ¶
Enhancements, new features ¶
- includes every enhancements and new features from 1.0.x et 1.1beta1
- small controller optimizations for opt build.
- new configuration option to disable zone caching globally (#717) (zones section: disableCache = on|off)
- jControllerDaoCrud: new _getForm and _createForm methods so we can redefine them to personnalize the form before its use.
- jDb:
- removed support of old PDO version for PHP 5.0 and constants JPDO*
- jDbConnection::query() and jDbResultset::setFetchMode() have now the same API as PDO::query() and PDOStatement::setFetchMode()
- added support of FETCH_INTO
- jForms :
- automatic protection against CSRF attack (#748). A new attribute allowAnyOrigin can disable the protection if set in xml descriptive files. At API level a new property is declared jFormsBase::securityLevel.
- new configuration option selecting default builder (#696) (tplplugins section: defaultJformsBuilder = mybuilder)
- new method addControlBefore() to dynamically add a control before another (#728)
- getModifiedControls changed. it returns the list of modified controls since last call to initModifiedControlsList() (#700).
- support of external absolute url for form action (http and https) (#710)
- new controls <date> and <datetime>, and it displays a datepicker js control based on jQuery UI datepicker (#196)
- jTpl :
- new plugin to display PHP contstants (only in trusted templates)
- new syntax to display result of expressions : {=$expr…}
- new class jImageModifier to handle easily image modifications and display. issued from image tpl plugin (#604).
- jAuth:
- new method jAuth::getDriverParam() to retrieve easily a parameter of the configuration of a jauth driver.
- the user in session is now updated when the call of jAuth::updateUser is called for the current user (#461)
- new class jImageModifier to ease modification and caching of images. code issued from image template plugin (#604)
- jIniFileModifier : support '@' and ':' chars in section names.
- new class jIniMultiFilesModifier.
- Jelix-Scripts :
- createapp : application documentroot can be indicated optionnally (it still defaults to your_app/www) (#163)
- createapp : application.init.php now includes jelix/init.php, so it is not needed anymore in entry points. It is easier then to move lib/ or www/ folders.
- new constants can be edited in scripts.conf.php (author, copyright, license…) to fill automatically heading comments of php files, module.xml, plugin.xml and project.xml.
- new command createentrypoint : create an entry point with your type of choice.
- module auth
- enhanced redirection to a referring page (origin of the request to auth module) (#658)
- created a new response htmlauth for better customization
- new modifier for jDiff (Diff) (#720)
- new script jelix_check_server.php checking jelix compatibility against a server (#409).
- new specs for module.xml, plugin.xml et project.xml.
- jQuery update, jQuery UI added.
- TCPDF update, version 4.2.006
- clearbricks classes update, version svn-192.
- PHPMailer update, version 2.3 (jMailer and PHPMailer now clearly separated)
- WikiRenderer update, version 3.1pre65
Bug fixes ¶
- all bug fixed in the 1.0.x branch and 1.1beta1
- core :
- some criticall errors were not reported with css, text et cmdline resposnes (#678)
- error in checkTrustedModules list checking (#715)
- bug using SOAP response with an opcode cache enabled (#705)
- jForms :
- radiobuttons with value=0 were mistakenly selected (#691)
- jFormsDataContainer::clear() didn't clear everytings
- fixes in relaxNG schema
- fixes in history template plugin
- fixes in junittests module (#729)
- removed a useless parameter to jCmdlineCoordinator::getErrorCode