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Trace: 1.2.2

Jelix 1.2.2

Still in development. This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.2.1 version, and that will be available for the future 1.2.2 version.

Changelog updated as of: 90a12e491293

Details of changes


  • Ticket #1206 - new jtpl modifier: round

Bugs fixed

  • ticket #1258 - auth_url_return is not passed to the form during the logout
  • ticket #1294 - months and days in full date in french should begin by a lower case
  • ticket #1292 - jcache::flush should flush only cache file of the given profile.
  • jForms - ctrl_value should be memorized in order to not display twice when using ctrl_value outside a formcontrols loop + using a formcontrols
  • ticket #1290 - the magicquotes plugin generates a notice with PHP 5.3
  • ticket #1295 - fix incompatilities with MySql 5.5.x in sql script.
  • ticket #1279 - fixed the sqlite script for jacl2db
  • ticket #1279 - added missing table in install_jacl2.schema.sqlite.sql
  • ticket #1196 - fixed the support of meta in included templates.
  • ticket #1273 - jLog should not use the request object if it doesn't exist yet
  • jIniFileModifier didn't save content after section renaming, ini merging and other changes.
  • Ticket #1271 - fixed a notice appearing in the wizard about force_encoding, in some cases
  • Jelix-scripts, createapp: fixed bad generation of next version for new project.xml file
  • ticket #1278 - in testapp, use the real lib version of jelix during the package build, so testapp accepts some minor jelix updates
  • Fixed some translations and weird french sentence

Other versions

en/changelog/1.2.2.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/07 11:47 by laurent

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