Trace: • 1.2beta1
Table of Contents
Jelix 1.2beta1 ¶
This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.1.x version, and that are available in the 1.2beta1 version.
Changelog updated as of : abb1b07f531c
Main improvements ¶
- new module management
- new install and upgrade system
- new wizard system (configurable) to install a jelix application
- Improved the performance and the flexibility of jDb profiles
- new jCache class to store all you want in a cache, and where you want (memcache, files..)
- support of nosql database with jKVDb
- possibility to put an application offline easily
- updated TCPDF to 4.5.015
- updated Wikirenderer to 3.1.2
Migrating from Jelix 1.1.x ¶
Read the corresponding chapter in the manual of Jelix 1.2.
Details of changes ¶
Enhancements, new features ¶
- New modules management.
- ticket #821: Improve the policy management module. see above.
- ticket #31/#263: new installation/update system
- a module should provide a class which should inherit from jInstallerModule. For upgrades, a module can provides a file for each version which needs to do things to upgrade to this version.
- ticket #965: moved jInstallCheck to installer/ and unified message reporters between jInstallCheck and jInstaller. The same interface is used now.
- ticket #1048: support of nosql database with jKVDb
- jDb and jDao
- Improved the performance and the flexibility of jDb profiles. Now a profile name can be an alias or a real name. If a profile doesn't exist, the default profile is used. So, if an external module needs a specific profile name, we don't have to setup a profile. We just have to set an alias.
- ticket #590: make PDO/sqlite database path specification relative.
- new method jDbConnection::tools, and jDb::getTools is now deprecated.
- new jDbSchema object to create and manage tables. only mysql driver for the moment.
- ticket #799: experimental jdb driver for mssql
- ticket #871: jDbTools provides a way to translate any field type.
- Dao files can now refers to any database field type, although it doesn't support blob fields yet
- support of a new attribute autoincrement on the property element in jdao
- better support of long numerical values
- new properties on jDbField: unifiedType, unsigned, minLength, maxLength minValue maxValue
- new methods on jDbTools: getTypeInfo, unifiedToPhpType, stringToPhpValue, escapeValue, getBooleanValue, encloseName
- no more static properties on jDaoCompiler
- Api of jDaoParser and jDaoGenerator has changed
- new properties on jDaoProperty: unifiedType, autoIncrement, and the signature of the constructor has changed
- removed the deprecated method jDb::getProfil and you should use jDb::getProfile instead.
- ticket #923: jDao, support of insertpattern on primary key not autoincremented. removed also the primary keys into update queries
- ticket #869: execSQLScript now is able to use the table prefix indicated in a profile
- ticket #477: support of postgresql schemas in jdb profiles. you can indicate the search_path value
- jForms
- ticket #784: help messages are not shown anymore with javascript
- ticket #887: jFormsBase::prepareObjectFromControls supports the new unifiedType
- ticket #1000: new jFormsBase::getUploads() method
- ticket #1002: CSS classes added to specify control types in html builders
- ticket #934: new wikieditor widget for jForms
- Responses
- ticket #810: we can now change the title of the html response with the jtpl meta plugin
- ticket #864: improvements on jResponseLatexPdf
- added a date property
- added a property outputFileName
- we can choice the title
- changes on the command line call
- Added a property $temporary on redirect and redirecturl responses
- ticket #737: display of the stack trace with the error message, in responses, if the TRACE keyword is used in the configuration
- ticket #1063: support of author and generator metas on jResponseHtml
- ticket #860: possibility to concatene and compress JS and CSS files automatically
- Utils
- ticket #540: new jCache class.
- ticket #796: added a new output type FULL_LANG_DATE in jDateTime.
- ticket #623: new method jDateTime::substract
- jMailer: added a new type of mailer, file, to store mails into files instead of sending them, to test an application without having connectivity to internet
- Added a new method isModified on jIniFileModifier and jIniMultiFilesModifier
- improved jIniFileModifier : removeValue(), supporting comments when removing a value.
- methods of jCrypt become public.
- new class jVersionComparator
- core
- ticket #854: Optimisation of the loading of coord plugins.
- ticket #903: jUrl, significant engine: multiple modules without action for a unique entrypoint.
- New method jRequest::getProtocol()
- ticket #656: better support of PUT for rest controllers.
- jTpl
- ticket #804: parenthesis were not accepted in foreach statements
- added a default tpl variable in jTpl: $j_locale, which contains the current locale code
- added the include plugin for jtpl
- ticket #808: add break jTpl plugin.
- ticket #943: cycle_init accepts now arrays as argument
- ticket #760: new tpl plugin, modifier truncatehtml.
- ticket #996: meta_html plugin allows now additionnal parameters
- ticket #1003: new mailto plugin
- ticket #938: new jfullurl plugin
- ticket #654: date_format accepts now a timestamp for the default date
- ticket #1019: new hook plugin, to send events during the content generation
- ticket #993: new gravatar plugin
- jAcl2
- ticket #1014: jAcl2db_admin: localized subject instead of the id
- ticket #1015: new jAcl2DbUserGroup::getPrivateGroup() method
- ticket #1016: jAcl2Db: support named groups
- jEvents : more flexibility by calling the old method performEvent on listeners
- junittest module: new method jUnitTestsDb::assertTableContainsRecordsByKeys
- Diff lib: table formater generates now better html content and with line numbers. Added also a default css for diff formating.
- ticket #947: master_admin module: add an $order property on masterAdminDashboardWidget
- ticket #934 Added markitup, a wiki editor in javascript
- ticket #1051: additionnal events generated by jAuth: AuthErrorLogin and AuthBeforeLogin
- jUrl
- Significant url engine: you can now use <entrypoint type=…> instead of <…entrypoint>
- ticket #767: allowing external files to define significant urls
- jelix-scripts
- ticket #870: new script to create a business class from a dao
- ticket #848: createform and createdaocrud create now files for locales
- ticket #937: commands can now indicate if the application must exist or not to run the command
- remove deprecated classes and members from some classes: jController::processZone, jResponseHtml::_commonProcess, jResponseHtmlFragment::_commonProcess, jResponseXUL::_commonProcess, jFormsBase::getDatas, jTpl::metaFetch, jDateTime::BD_*, interface jIFormDatasource, class jDummyAuthUser
Bug fixes ¶
- These release contains all bug fixed in 1.1.x series.