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Trace: 1.6.x

This is an old revision of the document!

This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.6.0 version.

Jelix 1.6.5

Not released yet.

Critical bugs

  • in jauth login::out(): Fix infinite loop after a logout in some cases


  • new method jCoordinator::execOriginalAction() allowing to know if the current action is the action corresponding to the requested action. I.e, to know if there was an internal redirection asked by a coord plugin
  • jauthdb_admin: remove dependency to jauth module to allow to use jcommunity

Bugs fixed

  • Fix jAuth: prevent timing attack on hash comparison
  • Installer: fix duplication of module parameters when set into localconfig.ini.php

Jelix 1.6.4

Released on June 3d, 2015

Critical bugs

  • Fix issues in the OCI dao driver


  • master_admin menu: allow to have menu item opened to new windows. There is a new newWindow property on masterAdminMenuItem. If true, a link with target=_blank should be generated in the HTML menu.
  • master_admin menu: option in the configuration to not generate dashboard menu item. the option is disable_dashboard_menu in a master_admin section.
  • master_admin: a masteradminGetMenuContent listener can redefine an item. It just have to return an item with the id of an existing menu item.
  • sqlite3/sqlite plugins for jDb: support of absolute path to the database file
  • Upgrade phpMailer to avoid issues on recent PHP versions

Bugs fixed

  • Fix bad config file name in jInstallChecker
  • jDb: fix floatToStr conversion for large number. There was a trailing point
  • Jelix-scripts: fix some path having double slash
  • Fix jFormsControlChoice::getDisplayValue() which generated syntax errors.
  • jFile::unparseJelixPath() should take care about var/ path
  • Fix support of sqlite3 and mysqli in installWizard.
  • Minify plugin: do not minify https absolute path

Jelix 1.6.3

Released on February 24th, 2015


  • New method jApp::urlBasePath() to retrieve basePath from config
  • jForms: adds possibility to indicates attributes on {jformsubmit}
  • improvements from 1.5.5
    • Jelix-script: add the command name in error messages
  • improvements from 1.4.7
    • jWsdl is now able to generate WSDL taking account of a rootUrl
    • Improved the help of the acl2right command
    • Upgrade WikiRenderer 3.1.6 to fix issues with php 5.4+
    • Vagrant configuration for Jelix Contributors

Bugs fixed

  • Fix chmod on the compiled ini file
  • Fix jConfig: changes in main config was ignored for cache invalidation
  • jForms: remove display of stars of required fields when only displaying data
  • jDb pgsql driver: “SET AUTOCOMMIT TO OFF” is no longer supported in Postgresql >= 7.4
  • Fix notice during php cmd.php installapp
  • bug fixed from 1.5.5
    • Jelix-scripts: fix error with createmodule with -ep option
  • bug fixed from 1.4.7
    • Config compiler: fix cli incompatibility with Windows
    • Fix jelix-scripts: help doesn't display good options for createapp

Jelix 1.6.2

Released on november 7th, 2014


  • Support of busytimeout in sqlite3 plugin
  • jForms: choice items (li elements) have now an id and a class (jforms-selected and jforms-notselected)
  • jForms: group control can now have a checkbox
  • For contributors: a vagrant configuration is provided in the source code repository to allow to launch tests without configuration on the developer's machine.
  • Chmod can be defined in the configuration for all files created by Jelix
  • Testapp is now using PHPUnit 4.3 via Composer
  • A Vagrant configuration is provided in the reposiotry to ease the launch of tests

Bugs fixed

  • bug fixed in the datetime form widget
  • jForms - error decorator should erase list at verification start
  • jForms - error on group and choice is not reported any more when there is an error on their children
  • To fix issues with the jQuery version provided in Jelix 1.6:
    • Upgraded markitup to 1.1.14
    • Upgrade wymeditor to 1.0.0beta9
  • Fixed relaxng schema for jForms
  • Fixed a syntax error in the jTpl datetime plugin

Jelix 1.6.1

Released on September 23th, 2014


  • sqlite3 plugin for jDb : support of sqlite extensions

Bugs fixed

  • Fix: jException kept only the first line on multiline messages
  • bug fixed from 1.5.4
    • Fixed bug on template/other files compilation with opcode cache engines
  • bug fixed from 1.4.6
    • Fixed a variable issue in jBasicErrorHandler (xnathanx)

Jelix 1.6.0

en/changelog/1.6.x.1436790948.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/13 12:35 by laurent

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