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Trace: 1.6.x

This is an old revision of the document!

This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.6.0 version.

Jelix 1.6.6

Not released yet.

Jelix 1.6.5

Released on October 27th, 2015

Critical bugs

  • in jauth login::out(): Fix infinite loop after a logout in some cases


  • new method jCoordinator::execOriginalAction() allowing to know if the current action is the action corresponding to the requested action. I.e, to know if there was an internal redirection asked by a coord plugin
  • jauthdb_admin: remove dependency to jauth module to allow to use jcommunity

Bugs fixed

  • Fix jAuth: prevent timing attack on hash comparison
  • Installer: fix duplication of module parameters when set into localconfig.ini.php
  • Fix PHPMailer class loading

Jelix 1.6.4

Released on June 3d, 2015

Critical bugs

  • Fix issues in the OCI dao driver


  • master_admin menu: allow to have menu item opened to new windows. There is a new newWindow property on masterAdminMenuItem. If true, a link with target=_blank should be generated in the HTML menu.
  • master_admin menu: option in the configuration to not generate dashboard menu item. the option is disable_dashboard_menu in a master_admin section.
  • master_admin: a masteradminGetMenuContent listener can redefine an item. It just have to return an item with the id of an existing menu item.
  • sqlite3/sqlite plugins for jDb: support of absolute path to the database file
  • Upgrade phpMailer to avoid issues on recent PHP versions

Bugs fixed

  • Fix bad config file name in jInstallChecker
  • jDb: fix floatToStr conversion for large number. There was a trailing point
  • Jelix-scripts: fix some path having double slash
  • Fix jFormsControlChoice::getDisplayValue() which generated syntax errors.
  • jFile::unparseJelixPath() should take care about var/ path
  • Fix support of sqlite3 and mysqli in installWizard.
  • Minify plugin: do not minify https absolute path

Jelix 1.6.3

Released on February 24th, 2015


  • New method jApp::urlBasePath() to retrieve basePath from config
  • jForms: adds possibility to indicates attributes on {jformsubmit}
  • improvements from 1.5.5
    • Jelix-script: add the command name in error messages
  • improvements from 1.4.7
    • jWsdl is now able to generate WSDL taking account of a rootUrl
    • Improved the help of the acl2right command
    • Upgrade WikiRenderer 3.1.6 to fix issues with php 5.4+
    • Vagrant configuration for Jelix Contributors

Bugs fixed

  • Fix chmod on the compiled ini file
  • Fix jConfig: changes in main config was ignored for cache invalidation
  • jForms: remove display of stars of required fields when only displaying data
  • jDb pgsql driver: “SET AUTOCOMMIT TO OFF” is no longer supported in Postgresql >= 7.4
  • Fix notice during php cmd.php installapp
  • bug fixed from 1.5.5
    • Jelix-scripts: fix error with createmodule with -ep option
  • bug fixed from 1.4.7
    • Config compiler: fix cli incompatibility with Windows
    • Fix jelix-scripts: help doesn't display good options for createapp

Jelix 1.6.2

Released on november 7th, 2014


  • Support of busytimeout in sqlite3 plugin
  • jForms: choice items (li elements) have now an id and a class (jforms-selected and jforms-notselected)
  • jForms: group control can now have a checkbox
  • For contributors: a vagrant configuration is provided in the source code repository to allow to launch tests without configuration on the developer's machine.
  • Chmod can be defined in the configuration for all files created by Jelix
  • Testapp is now using PHPUnit 4.3 via Composer
  • A Vagrant configuration is provided in the reposiotry to ease the launch of tests

Bugs fixed

  • bug fixed in the datetime form widget
  • jForms - error decorator should erase list at verification start
  • jForms - error on group and choice is not reported any more when there is an error on their children
  • To fix issues with the jQuery version provided in Jelix 1.6:
    • Upgraded markitup to 1.1.14
    • Upgrade wymeditor to 1.0.0beta9
  • Fixed relaxng schema for jForms
  • Fixed a syntax error in the jTpl datetime plugin

Jelix 1.6.1

Released on September 23th, 2014


  • sqlite3 plugin for jDb : support of sqlite extensions

Bugs fixed

  • Fix: jException kept only the first line on multiline messages
  • bug fixed from 1.5.4
    • Fixed bug on template/other files compilation with opcode cache engines
  • bug fixed from 1.4.6
    • Fixed a variable issue in jBasicErrorHandler (xnathanx)

Jelix 1.6.0

en/changelog/1.6.x.1445943842.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/27 11:04 by laurent

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