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Trace: 1.8.x

This page is listing updates and enhancements added since 1.8.0 version.

Jelix 1.8.10

Released on july 3, 2024

  • New template plugin ctrl_value_assign for forms
  • Fix installer: some upgraders may not be executed in some case
  • Fix jDbConnection::lastIdInTable(): names should be enclosed
  • Fix lastInsertId() on Sqlserver connector

Jelix 1.8.9

Released on may 7th, 2024

  • Fix installer: installation parameter into mainconfig may not be taken account. In some cases, default values of installation parameter may be unexpectedly written into localconfig.ini.php during the configuration, so installation parameters may not be taken account.
  • jResponseHtmlFragment: remove the final attribut from output methods
  • Fix jDbSchema: reload list of tables in some case
  • Configurator: show warning when a bad path is given to getFilesToCopy
  • fix pgsql drive: execute should return the status of pg_execute
  • fix jacl2db_adminListener: url missing when only acl.user.view rights

Jelix 1.8.8

Released on march 18th, 2024

  • Fix package and subpackage into doc comments
  • Fix jacl2db_admin: the module should use the jAcl2 authentication adapter to retrieve the authenticated user.
  • Fix Sqlite3 jDb driver: it must not free results if connection is already closed
  • Fix regression: event listeners cache was never reused

Jelix 1.8.7

Released on february 14th, 2024

  • jForms: in javascript, the form is now declared after the setup of all controls, not only after the setup of the jforms object. So the event jformsready is triggered and the callbacks declared with onFormReady are executed after the full initialization of the javascript objects of jForms. If you want to keep the old behavior, you should indicate the option 'deprecatedDeclareFormBeforeControls'=>true to the form builder.
  • Fix dbcache driver of jAcl2: anonymous rights were not stored properly into the cache, and so rights were not taken account.
  • Fix Composer package: remove the assets/ directory, it is useless

Jelix 1.8.6

Released on january 16th, 2024

  • Check compatibility with PHP 8.3: all seems ok
  • ldap driver for jAuth: remove deprecation notice with PHP 8.3, about parameters on ldap_connect
  • ldap driver for jAuth: support of TLS mode. Configuration parameter tlsMode, which can have values "" (empty, no secured connection), starttls or ldaps (ldaps by default if port 636)
  • jDb/mysqli: fix typo into getAttribute/setAttribute
  • Fix Jelix 1.7/1.8 migrator: changes on url map were not saved
  • Tests: upgrade PHPUnit to 9.6

Jelix 1.8.5

Released on december 12th, 2023

  • jacl2db_admin: add links to each user profile into the users list
  • The application version is available into jApp::config()->appVersion and is set by default to the version stored into the project.xml file.
  • new configuration parameter sslmode for Postgresql profiles. Possible values are disable, allow, prefer, require.

Jelix 1.8.4

Released on november 23th, 2023

  • Fix redirections when there is an error, into the rights management interface (jacl2db_admin)
  • new method jResponseFormJQJson::setError() to force to return an error message/url redirection to the form.
  • New: Support of favicons into WebAssets (ex: mygroup.icon=favicon-32x32.png|sizes=32x32).
  • new method WebAssetsSelection::getIconLinks()
  • Fix issue into the password editor: the new value of the password changed by the button to regenerate one, was not taken account when submitted the form

Jelix 1.8.3

Released on october 24th, 2023

It fixes some bugs, but it brings also some new features.

  • New method setHtmlAttributes() on the jResponseHtml class, to set attributes on the <html> element.
  • New method getFileResponse() in jController to ease to return a file as a response
  • jauthdb_admin module:
    • New event jauthdbAdminAfterUpdate when properties of a user has changed.
    • Fix: uploaded files should be saved after the events jauthdbAdminAfterCreate and jauthdbAdminAfterUpdate, so listeners can save uploaded files into directories other than into the default one.
    • Use a jForms form to change a password
    • Add a formOptions template variable in templates displaying forms of jauthdb_admin, so other modules can add options for jforms widgets.
    • new events jauthdbAdminPasswordForm and jauthdbAdminCheckPasswordForm for the password form
  • jauthdb:
    • possibility to authenticate with the email or the login, if there is a configuration parameter authenticateWith=login-email.
    • the section auth_<driver> is now merged with the <driver> section of auth.coord.ini.php, so we can redefine some configuration parameter of the <driver> section, into localconfig.ini.php for example.
    • new method getDao() on the jAuth db driver
  • new class jAuthPassword to check the strength of a password or to generate a random password
  • new jforms widget: password_html for secret controls. Adds a “view” button aside the input.
  • new jforms widget: passwordeditor_html for secret controls. It checks the strength of the password, by calculating the entropy, and by comparing the edited password against a list of the most used passwords. Adds also three buttons: a “view” button, a “regenerate” button, and a “copy” button.
  • jForms: fix generated JS into choice, upload2 and group widgets
  • new method jAcl2DbUserGroup::renameUser()
  • new configuration parameter to set default value for the Return-Path header into jMailer.
  • Fix debugbar: elements at the same level of the debugbar were not clickable
  • Fix jDb: support of double quotes around schema names into search_path
  • Fix jDb: jDbSchema for Postgresql did not find table in schemas having upper case letters.

Improvements and bug fix from Jelix 1.7.17:

  • Fix regression into jFormsBase::getModifiedControls(): some controls like submit were considered as modified although it does not make sens
  • Fix regression into the debugging of jMailer: the output was not made anymore into logs
  • Fix error in create:dao command with nullable fields
  • Fix jforms choice widget, display control value: add a space betwen label and value.
  • Fix some PHP warning about passing null values to htmlspecialchars
  • Fix the version into the JELIX_VERSION constant. It was not updated in the latest release.
  • Fix the migration 1.6→1.7 of configuration file of entry points.

Jelix 1.8.2

Released on july 30th, 2023

  • Fix the display of the debugbar, when having long lines

Improvements and bug fix from Jelix 1.7.16:

  • Support of a default Reply-To header into jMailer
  • new method ConfigurationHelpers::updateEntryPointFile()
  • new method InstallHelpers::updateEntryPointFile() and InstallHelpers::removeEntryPoint()
  • Update header of API documentation
  • Fix Jelix\Utilities\utf8_* functions
  • tests: fix error into the ldap docker image at startup
  • tests: fix a warning in upgraderValidityTest with PHP 8.2

Jelix 1.8.1

Released on may 30th, 2023

  • jEvent: support of any classes for listeners. The name of listener into the events.xml can be the full name of a class. The class must have a namespace and must be autoloadable.
  • jDao: records can now extend from any classes. The extends attribute can now contain a class name instead of a record class selector. The class must have a namespace and must be autoloadable.
  • jEvent: fix loading of listener. They were instantiated at each notification.
  • jacl2db: fix a bug when a right is forbidden. All rights were set to “forbid” when a 'view' rights was forbidden.
  • jacl2db_admin: fix applying forbidden state on “view” rights.
  • installer: fix default module configurator, it did not load installation parameters and then, installers didn't have calculated parameters.
  • Upgrade PHPMailer to 6.8
  • Upgrade jQuery to 3.7.0
  • Upgrade Datatables to 1.13.4
  • Upgrade Ckeditor to 38.0.1

Jelix 1.8.0

en/changelog/1.8.x.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 09:55 by laurent

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