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  [Opened] Welcome

Posted by laurentj on 09/03/2007 14:09


Welcome on the jelix forums. Don't hesitate to ask questions about Jelix. ;-)


  [Opened] Re: Welcome

Reply #1 Posted by tudorilisoi on 09/08/2009 16:04

Hello, Laurent! Congratulations for a fast and clear approach in building your framework! I really appreciate the well done documentation. I found your framework by searching the Web for a flexible system, where I can quickly define data structures and have the system generate the model classes and some scaffold forms and views.

I'm really surprised that forum activity seems a bit low, because from what I've read for a few hours, the framework deserves much more attention form the PHP community.

I did not find a module repository on your website, don't you think it would be a good idea?

Also, how about a tree manager for taxonomy/categorization? I guess it's up to the developer to build it.

  [Opened] Pardon my dust

Reply #2 Posted by tudorilisoi on 09/08/2009 16:31

I just discovered the forge. Sorry, but I'm being rather impatient to configure and test things out


  [Opened] Re: Welcome

Reply #3 Posted by laurentj on 09/12/2009 23:16

Welcome Tudorilisoi !

Congratulations for a fast and clear approach in building your framework!

Thank you !

I'm really surprised that forum activity seems a bit low, because from what I've read for a few hours, the framework deserves much more attention form the PHP community.

Yes, I'm worried about the lack of non-french users, and I haven't many time to promote the framework :-( Note that we have more french users (see the french forums :-))

I did not find a module repository on your website, don't you think it would be a good idea?

Yes of course ! We have a beginning of such repository with the forge, but we have to develop a "catalog" and a contributor has started it few days ago.

  1. Jelix : Utilisation et développement - Page 1551 >
  2. Jelix : Utilisation et développement - Page 101 >
  3. Jelix : Contributions et évolutions - Page 151 >
  4. Jelix : Utilisation et développement - Page 26 >
  5. Jelix : Utilisation et développement - Page 76 >
  6. Jelix : Contributions et évolutions - Page 101 >
  7. Jelix : Utilisation et développement - Page 51 >
  8. Welcome