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Trace: 1.0.11

Jelix 1.0.11

Released on 11/09/2009. c3177882df7d.

Updating from Jelix 1.0.10

This release fixes only a few little bugs. You can update jelix safely and you don't have to make changes in your source code. Here are instructions:

  • You can replace safely the lib directory by the new one provided in the jelix 1.0.11 package.
  • delete all files in the temp/ directories

Little improvements

  • support of xhtml+xml in the meta element in jResponseHtml (#984)
  • Improved the conformance with HTTP specification in redirections (#957)

Fixed Bugs

  • jDao
    • bad SQL syntax generated by jDao for LIKE conditions. spaces are missing around the operator (#976)
    • jDaoFactoryBase: _generateCondition didn't handle some operators with NULL values (#992)
    • jDao, values for LIKE operators should be escaped as string (#976)
  • jForms: It could have collisions between instances of jForms forms in session, when not given a full selector to jForms (#979)
  • Wikirenderer: fixed an issue on the generation of code block with wr3 rules (#973)
  • jDb: UTF8 support for mysql with PDO drivers did not work (#939)
  • jEvent: compiled events didn't take entrypoints into account (#1004)

en/changelog/1.0.11.txt · Last modified: 2009/11/09 11:08 by laurent

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