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Release of Jelix 1.6.14

# 02/15/2017 Laurent.

A new maintainance version is available for Jelix 1.6. In short: bugs fixes, compatibility with PHP 7.1, and new plugins (redis_ext, sqlsrv and ReCaptcha)

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Release of Jelix 1.6.13

# 01/05/2017 Laurent.

This version fixes a serious regression appeared into the previous version 1.6.12, released yesterday. POST parameters were not available anymore for controllers, from the request object.

Release of Jelix 1.6.12 and 1.5.8

# 01/04/2017 Laurent.

A new version is available for both branches 1.6 and 1.5. They update PHPMailer, in which some security holes have been discovered ( CVE-2016-10033 and CVE-2016-10045). If your application sends mails, you must update Jelix.

Update on 2017-01-05: Jelix 1.6.12 has a serious regression about request parameters. Please use 1.6.13 or higher instead of 1.6.12.

Support of Jelix 1.6 extended

# 09/16/2016 Laurent.

The end of life of Jelix 1.6 was expected in february 2017, so bug fixes and security fixes were not provided beyong this date. However, the release of Jelix 1.7 has been delayed (it is planned before the end of the year), and developers won't have many time to migrate.

This why the support of Jelix 1.6 is extended by one year, until february 2018.

Update 01/16/2018: support extended until december 2018.

Release of Jelix 1.6.9

# 09/13/2016 Laurent.

If you use PHP 7, Jelix 1.6.9 is the version you should use : it fixes some issues with PHP 7. It has also some bug fixes in the installer, about the database checker, and also in the datepickers of jForms. Finally, Jelix 1.6.9 is less talkative into logs, about authentication persistence in jAuth.

Release of Jelix 1.6.8

# 06/13/2016 Laurent.

Jelix 1.6.8 is available. It fixes some issue and regressions, but it also brings improvements in the Redis plugin for jCache and jKvDb. There is also a new plugin "dbcache" for jAcl2, that stores rights in a cache.

Release of Jelix 1.6.7

# 04/13/2016 Laurent.

Jelix 1.6 receives new bug fixes and improvements today.

This release fixes a bug on persistent authentication cookie of jAuth, and a bug on datepickers in forms loaded via ajax. You now have a new plugin Redis for jCache, and some improvements into the syslog plugin of jLog, which uses now syslog php functions.

Release of Jelix 1.6.6 and 1.5.7

# 02/08/2016 Laurent.

New maintenance versions are available for 1.6 and 1.5 branches. Note that version 1.5.7 is the latest one of its branch, as branch 1.5 is not maintened any more from now. You are strongly encouraged to migrate to 1.6.6.

Version 1.6.6 brings some bug fixes, but also some improvements on jforms, where you can now use the "criteriafrom" attribute on "class" datasource, and on jDb, where you can now indicate services for postgresql connections. Jelix 1.6.6 should now runs on PHP 7 without issues.