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Release of Jelix 1.1RC3

# 01/12/2009 Laurent.

Here is probably the latest release candidate for Jelix 1.1. It contains mainly some improvements, like the missing module jauthdb_admin to manage users, and a new option in the configuration for sessions: loadClasses. Some few issues have been fixed also, like rights on temporary directories. See details of all changes.

Download and try it !

Jelix 1.1RC1 is available !

# 12/08/2008 Jelix Team.

The first release candidate of Jelix 1.1 is available.

All new features in 1.1RC1 are now polished and tested ! It is a great time to adopt it. Or if you have an application based on a previous version, migrate it.

Read full article

Jelix 1.0.6

We carry on releasing maintenance versions of Jelix 1.0 with today the release of Jelix 1.0.6. As usual it fixes minor bugs. You can upgrade from Jelix 1.0.5 without modification of your applications.

Read the changelog here.

First beta of Jelix 1.1

# 09/28/2008 Laurent.

The first beta of Jelix 1.1 is available. This is time for you to test all new features !

Read full article

Jelix 1.0.5

# 07/24/2008 Laurent.

As we do periodically, here is a new maintenance release of Jelix 1.0 : Jelix 1.0.5. It fixes some minor bugs. Read the list of this bug fixes. You can upgrade from Jelix 1.0.5 without modification of your applications.

Note also that the online documentation has been improved again.

Jelix 1.0.4

# 06/02/2008 Jelix Team.

A new version of the stable branch of Jelix has been released: Jelix 1.0.4.

It fixes some few minor bugs. This stable version is more and more stable ;-)

Dev news #3

# 04/25/2008 Jelix Team.

A month after the last news on developments, it's the time to inform you about latest improvements on the future 1.1 version.

Read full article

Jelix 1.0.3

# 04/06/2008 Jelix Team.

A new version of the stable branch of Jelix has been released: Jelix 1.0.3.

It fixes some few minor bugs and add few improvements, especially in the createapp command. This command now creates an application with a start page, a personnalized response and a main template. This start page shows also if the configuration is ok. Read the new mini-tutorial to see this changes.