= \function_exists('opcache_compile_file') || \function_exists('apc_cache_info') || \function_exists('eaccelerator_info') || \function_exists('xcache_info')
= \function_exists('opcache_compile_file') || \function_exists('apc_cache_info') || \function_exists('eaccelerator_info') || \function_exists('xcache_info')
= \JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'core/'
= __DIR__ . '/'
= \JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'utils/'
= ''
= __DIR__ . '/../'
= __DIR__ . '/../'
Initialize all defines and includes necessary files.
= '1.8.15'
= \dirname(\JELIX_LIB_PATH) . '/'
function to use to crypt password. use the password_salt value in the config file of the plugin.
sha1WithSalt(mixed $salt, mixed $password) : mixed
hash password with blowfish algorithm. use the password_salt value in the config file of the plugin.
bcrypt(mixed $salt, mixed $password[, mixed $iteration_count = 12 ]) : mixed
jelix_read_ini(mixed $fileName[, mixed $config = null ][, mixed $ignoredSection = array() ]) : mixed
jelix_scan_module_sel(mixed $selStr, mixed $selObj) : mixed
jelix_scan_action_sel(mixed $selStr, mixed $selObj, mixed $actionName) : mixed
jelix_scan_class_sel(mixed $selStr, mixed $selObj) : mixed
jelix_scan_locale_sel(mixed $selStr, mixed $selObj) : mixed
function used by php to try to load an unknown class.
jelix_autoload(mixed $class) : mixed
check if the application is opened. If not, it displays the yourapp/install/closed.html file with a http error (or lib/jelix/installer/closed.html), and exit.
checkAppOpened() : mixed
This function should be called in all entry point, before the creation of the coordinator.
check if the application is not installed. If the app is installed, an error message appears and the scripts ends.
checkAppNotInstalled() : mixed
It should be called only by some scripts like an installation wizard, not by an entry point.
isAppInstalled() : mixed
a special if block to test easily if the current user is connected.
jtpl_block_common_ifuserconnected(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifuserconnected} generated content if the user is connected {/ifuserconnected}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
no parameters. array should be empty
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily if the current user is not connected.
jtpl_block_common_ifusernotconnected(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifusernotconnected} generated content if the user is NOTconnected {/ifusernotconnected}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
no parameters. array should be empty
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
fetch the content of a template without template variables of calling template, except private variables setted by some plugins.
jtpl_cfunction_common_fetchtpl(jTplCompiler $compiler[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
It allows to use a template as a recursive way, in a cleaner way than include, because it doesn't inherits of variables from the parent template
Meta content must not use template variable given to 'fetch', as they will not be available at the time of meta processing (except if they are a copy of template variable of the parent template)
{fetchtpl 'myModule~foo', array('varname'=>'value) }
the template compiler
0=>string the template selector (string) 1=>array a list of template variable to inject into the template 2=>boolean : inherits (true) or not of private variables. default is true.
the php code corresponding to the function content
cfunction to fetch the content of a zone into a tpl var.
jtpl_cfunction_common_fetchzone(jTplCompiler $compiler[, mixed $params = array() ]) : string
{fetchzone 'myVar', 'myModule~myzone', array('foo'=>'bar)} {if $myVar !== ''}{$myVar}{/if}
the template compiler
the php code corresponding to the function content
cfunction plugin : include the content of a zone.
jtpl_cfunction_common_zone(jTplCompiler $compiler[, mixed $params = array() ]) : string
{zone 'myModule~myzone'} {zone 'myModule~myzone',array('foo'=>'bar)}
the template compiler
the php code corresponding to the function content
Dump a value into log files.
jtpl_function_common_dumptolog(jTpl $tpl, mixed $value) : mixed
Dump a value into log files.
jtpl_function_common_tolog(jTpl $tpl, mixed $message) : mixed
modifier plugin : change the format of a date.
jtpl_modifier_common_datetime(string $date[, string $format_out = 'lang_datetime' ][, string $format_in = '' ]) : string
The date can be given as a string, or as a DateTime object.
It uses DateTime to convert a date. It takes two optionnal arguments. The first one is the format of the output date. It should be a format understood by DateTime, or one of this format identifier: 'lang_date', 'lang_datetime', 'lang_time', 'lang_long_datetime'. By default, it use the locale datetime format. The second one is the format of the given date, if the date format is not understood by DateTime.
examples : {$mydate|datetime} {$mydate|datetime:'dd/mm/YY'}
the date
the format identifier of the output date
the format identifier of the given date
the converted date
modifier plugin : change the format of a date.
jtpl_modifier_common_jdatetime(string $date[, string $format_in = 'db_datetime' ][, string $format_out = 'lang_date' ]) : string
It uses jDateTime to convert a date. It takes two optionnal arguments. The first one is the format identifier of the given date (by default, it is db_datetime). The second one is the format identifier of the output date (by default, it is lang_date).
Availabled format identifiers are (with the equivalent constant of jDateTime) :
examples : {$mydate|jdatetime} {$mydate|jdatetime:'db_time':'lang_time'}
the date
the format identifier of the given date
the format identifier of the output date
the converted date
a block to display an html form, with data from a jforms.
jtpl_block_html_form(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
usage : {form $theformobject,'submit_action', $submit_action_params} here form content {/form}
You can add this others parameters :
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>form object 1=>selector of submit action 2=>array of parameters for submit action 3=>name of the builder : default is html 4=>array of options for the builder
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a block to loop over controls list of a form and to display them.
jtpl_block_html_formcontrols(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
usage : {formcontrols} here content to display one control {/formcontrols} It accept also some parameters
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
empty array or 0=>jFormsBase object or 0=>jFormsBase object, 1=>array of control names or 0=>array of control names
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a block to display only data of a form.
jtpl_block_html_formdata(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
usage : {formdata $theformobject} here the form content {/formdata}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>form object 2=>name of the builder : default is html 3=>array of options for the builder
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a block to loop over submit button list of a form and to display them.
jtpl_block_html_formsubmits(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
usage : {formsubmits} here content to display one submit {/formsubmits} It accept also some parameters
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
empty array or 0=>jFormsBase object or 0=>jFormsBase object, 1=>array of submit names or 0=>array of submit names
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily the current control name TO BE USED inside a {formcontrols} block.
jtpl_block_html_ifctrl(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifctrl 'name1','name2',...} some tpl {else} some other tpl {/ifctrl}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>'name',etc. to match against current control name
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily the current control value TO BE USED inside a {formcontrols} block.
jtpl_block_html_ifctrl_value(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifctrl_value 'name', 'expected-value'} some tpl {else} some other tpl {/ifctrl_value}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>'name',etc. to match against current control name and expected value
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to check if a ctrl is activated in the form TO BE USED inside a `{form}` or `{formadata}` block.
jtpl_block_html_ifctrlactivated(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifctrlactivated 'name1'} some tpl {else} some other tpl {/ifctrlactivated}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>'name', to match against current control name
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to check if a ctrl exist in the form TO BE USED inside a `{form}` or `{formadata}` block.
jtpl_block_html_ifctrlexists(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifctrlexists 'name1'} some tpl {else} some other tpl {/ifctrlexists}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>'name', to match against current control name
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily the current control type TO BE USED inside a {formcontrols} block.
jtpl_block_html_ifctrltype(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifctrltype 'type1','type2',...} some tpl {else} some other tpl {/ifctrltype}
the template compiler
true if it is the begin of block, else false
0=>'type',etc. to match against current control type
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
Display a full form without the use of other plugins.
jtpl_cfunction_html_formfull(jTplCompiler $compiler[, mixed $params = array() ]) : string
usage : {formfull $theformobject,'submit_action', $submit_action_params}.
You can add this others parameters :
the template compiler
the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
breadcrumb plugin : display breadcrumb trails, ie. user navigation tracking.
jtpl_function_html_breadcrumb(jTpl $tpl[, array<string|int, mixed> $nb = null ][, string $separator = '' ]) : mixed
template engine
the number of items displayed by the plugin
Symbol separating items
function plugin : print the html content of a form control. You should use this plugin inside a formcontrols block.
jtpl_function_html_ctrl_control(jTpl $tpl[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ]) : mixed
template engine
the name of the control to display (required if it is outside a formcontrols)
attribute to add on the generated code (html attributes for example)
function plugin : print the label of a form control. You should use this plugin inside a formcontrols block.
jtpl_function_html_ctrl_label(jTpl $tpl[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, string $format = '' ]) : mixed
template engine
the name of the control to display (required if it is outside a formcontrols)
function plugin : print the raw value of a form control, without trying to display a corresponding label and without to display values of child controls. You should use this plugin inside a formcontrols block.
jtpl_function_html_ctrl_rawvalue(jTpl $tpl[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, string $sep = ', ' ]) : mixed
template engine
the name of the control to display (required if it is outside a formcontrols)
separator to display values of a multi-value control
function plugin : print the value of a form control. You should use this plugin inside a formcontrols block.
jtpl_function_html_ctrl_value(jTpl $tpl[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, string $sep = ', ' ]) : mixed
template engine
the name of the control to display (required if it is outside a formcontrols)
separator to display values of a multi-value control
function plugin : assign the value of the current control into the given template variable
jtpl_function_html_ctrl_value_assign(jTpl $tpl, string $varname[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, mixed $insteadOfDisplay = null ]) : mixed
template engine
name of the template variable
the name of the control from which we retrieve the value. Empty if current control of a loop.
Display all data of a form without the use of other plugins.
jtpl_function_html_formdatafull(jTpl $tpl, jFormsBase $form[, string $builder = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = array() ]) : mixed
template engine
the form to display
the builder type to use
options for the builder
function plugin : print the html content of a form reset button.
jtpl_function_html_formreset(jTpl $tpl) : mixed
template engine
function plugin : print the html content of a form submit button. You can use this plugin inside a formsubmits block.
jtpl_function_html_formsubmit(jTpl $tpl[, string $ctrlname = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ]) : mixed
template engine
the name of the submit to display (required if it is outside a formsubmits)
attributes for the generated html element
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_html_formurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
template engine
selector action
parameters for the url
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_html_formurlparam(jTpl $tpl[, string $selector = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
template engine
selector action
parameters for the url
hook plugin.
jtpl_function_html_hook(jTpl $tpl, string $event[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
It allows to retrieve HTML content, coming from responses of an event, and inserting at the place of the hook tag.
{hook 'myevent'}
In a Jelix Event listener:
function onmyevent($event) {
$event->add('html content');
html content
template engine
the event name to call
parameters to give to the listener
image plugin : write the url corresponding to the image.
jtpl_function_html_image(jTpl $tpl, string $src[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
Add a link to the image, The image is resized, and cached
class :string id :string alt :string width :uint height :uint maxwidth :uint only with maxheight maxheight :uint only with maxwidth zoom 1-100 omo :boolean alignh [left|center|right|:int] alignv [top|center|bottom|:int] ext [png|jpg|gif] quality 0-100 if ext = jpg shadow :boolean soffset :uint sangle :uint sblur :uint sopacity :uint scolor #000000 :string background #000000 :string
gif -> image/gif jpeg -> image/jpeg jpg -> image/jpeg jpe -> image/jpeg xpm -> image/x-xpixmap xbm -> image/x-xbitmap wbmp -> image/vnd.wap.wbmp png -> image/png other -> image/png
template engine
the url of image relative to the www path
parameters for the transformation and img element
function plugin : write the full url (with domain name) corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_html_jfullurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, string $domain = null ][, bool $escape = true ]) : mixed
template engine
selector action
parameters for the url
domain name, false if you want to use the config domain name or the server name
if true, then escape the string for html
function plugin : write the localized string corresponding to the given locale key.
jtpl_function_html_jlocale(jTpl $tpl, string $locale) : mixed
example : {jlocale 'myModule~my.locale.key'}
template engine
the locale key
function plugin : Display messages from jMessage.
jtpl_function_html_jmessage(mixed $tpl[, mixed $type = '' ]) : mixed
function plugin : write the root url corresponding to the given ressource type If this ressource type is not specified in the config file, returned value will be basePath.
jtpl_function_html_jrooturl(jTpl $tpl, string $ressourceType) : mixed
template engine
the name of the ressource type
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_html_jurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, bool $escape = true ]) : mixed
template engine
selector action
parameters for the url
if true, then escape the string for html
function plugin: write the url corresponding to the given jelix action, inserting placeholder name (between two %) for some parameter, so you can generate the url dynamically in JS by replacing placeholders by javascript values.
jtpl_function_html_jurlpattern(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $placeholders = array() ]) : mixed
example :
it may produce something like that (depending how the url is configured for the 'jxacl~admin_rightslist' action):
Then you can replace placeholders
var urlpattern = document.getElementById("baz").dataset.url; var id_group = 45, acl = 'hello'; var url = urlpattern.replace("%idgroup%", id_group); url = url.replace("%acl%", acl);
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
static parameters for the url
- $placeholders : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
list of placeholders: key=name of an url parameter, value=a placeholder name you choose
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_html_link_to_remote()
function plugin : Ajax request.
jtpl_function_html_link_to_remote(mixed $tpl, mixed $label, mixed $element_id, mixed $action_selector, mixed $action_parameters, mixed $option) : mixed
it creates a javascript ajax function example :
{link_to_remote 'Link', 'result', 'test~default:ajax', array('id'=>'34'), array( 'position'=>'html', 'method'=>'GET', 'beforeSend'=>'alert("beforeSend")', 'complete'=>'alert("complete")', 'error'=>'alert("error")', )}Parameters
- $tpl : mixed
- $label : mixed
- $element_id : mixed
- $action_selector : mixed
- $action_parameters : mixed
- $option : mixed
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_html_pagelinks()
displays page links.
jtpl_function_html_pagelinks(jTpl $tpl, string $action, array<string|int, mixed> $actionParams, int $itemsTotal, int $offset[, int $pageSize = 15 ][, string $paramName = 'offset' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $displayProperties = array() ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $action : string
selector of the action
- $actionParams : array<string|int, mixed>
parameters for the action
- $itemsTotal : int
number of items
- $offset : int
index of the first item to display
- $pageSize : int = 15
items number in a page
- $paramName : string = 'offset'
name of the parameter in the actionParams which will content a page offset
- $displayProperties : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
properties for the links display
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_html_resurl()
function plugin : write the url corresponding to a resource stored in a www directory of a module.
jtpl_function_html_resurl(jTpl $tpl, string $module, array<string|int, mixed> $file[, mixed $intheme = false ][, bool $escape = true ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $module : string
the module name
- $file : array<string|int, mixed>
the relative path of the wanted file to the www directory of the module
- $intheme : mixed = false
- $escape : bool = true
if true, then escape the string for html
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_html_urljsstring()
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action for javascript.
jtpl_function_html_urljsstring(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, mixed $jsparams = array() ]) : mixed
it creates a javascript string, that contains the url, with dynamic javasript parameters
example : {urljsstring 'jxacl~admin_rightslist',array(),array('grpid'=>'idgroup','__rnd'=>'Math.random()')};
it will produce: "index.php?module=acl&action=admin_rightslist&grpid="+idgroup+"&__rnd="+ Math.random();Parameters
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
- $jsparams : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —jtpl_meta_html_html()
meta plugin : modify an html response object.
jtpl_meta_html_html(jTpl $tpl, string $method[, mixed $param = null ][, mixed $params = array() ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $method : string
indicates what you want to specify (possible values : js, css, jsie, jsie7, jsltie7, cssie, cssie7, cssltie7, csstheme, cssthemeie, cssthemeie7, cssthemeltie7, bodyattr, keywords, description, others)
- $param : mixed = null
parameter (a css style sheet for "css" for example)
- $params : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —jtpl_meta_html_htmlmodule()
meta plugin : allow to add css files and js files stored into modules, in an html response object.
jtpl_meta_html_htmlmodule(jTpl $tpl, string $method, string $module, mixed $path[, mixed $params = array() ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $method : string
indicates what you want to specify (possible values : js, css, jsie, cssie, cssie7, cssltie7, csstheme, cssthemeie, cssthemeie7, cssthemeltie7)
- $module : string
the module where file is stored
- $path : mixed
the relative path inside the {module}/www/ directory, or inside the {module}/www/themes/{currenttheme}/ directory
- $params : mixed = array()
Return values
mixed —jtpl_modifier_html_vardump()
Dump any value.
jtpl_modifier_html_vardump(mixed $value) : string
- $value : mixed
Return values
string —jtpl_function_ltx2pdf_jlocale()
function plugin : write the localized string corresponding to the given locale key.
jtpl_function_ltx2pdf_jlocale(jTpl $tpl, string $locale) : mixed
example : {jlocale 'myModule~my.locale.key'}
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $locale : string
the locale key
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_ltx2pdf_jurl()
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_ltx2pdf_jurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_text_formdatafull()
Display all data of a form without the use of other plugins.
jtpl_function_text_formdatafull(jTpl $tpl, jFormsBase $form) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $form : jFormsBase
the form to display
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_text_jfullurl()
function plugin : write the full url (with domain name) corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_text_jfullurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, string $domain = false ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
- $domain : string = false
domain name, false if you want to use the config domain name or the server name
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_text_jlocale()
function plugin : write the localized string corresponding to the given locale key.
jtpl_function_text_jlocale(jTpl $tpl, string $locale) : mixed
example : {jlocale 'myModule~my.locale.key'}
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $locale : string
the locale key
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_text_jurl()
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_text_jurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
Return values
mixed —jtpl_modifier_html_vardump()
Dump any value.
jtpl_modifier_html_vardump(mixed $value) : string
- $value : mixed
Return values
string —jtpl_function_xml_jfullurl()
function plugin : write the full url (with domain name) corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_xml_jfullurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, string $domain = null ][, bool $escape = true ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
- $domain : string = null
domain name, false if you want to use the config domain name or the server name
- $escape : bool = true
if true, then escape the string for html
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_xml_jlocale()
function plugin : write the localized string corresponding to the given locale key.
jtpl_function_xml_jlocale(jTpl $tpl, string $locale) : mixed
example : {jlocale 'myModule~my.locale.key'}
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $locale : string
the locale key
Return values
mixed —jtpl_function_xml_jurl()
function plugin : write the url corresponding to the given jelix action.
jtpl_function_xml_jurl(jTpl $tpl, string $selector[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ][, bool $escape = true ]) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $selector : string
selector action
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
parameters for the url
- $escape : bool = true
if true, then escape the string for xml
Return values
mixed —jtpl_meta_xml_xml()
meta plugin : modify an xml response object.
jtpl_meta_xml_xml(jTpl $tpl, string $method, mixed $param) : mixed
- $tpl : jTpl
template engine
- $method : string
indicates what you want to specify (possible values : xsl,css,csstheme)
- $param : mixed
parameter (a css style sheet url for "css" for example)
Return values
mixed —masterAdminItemSort()
masterAdminItemSort(mixed $itemA, mixed $itemB) : mixed
- $itemA : mixed
- $itemB : mixed
Return values
mixed —masterAdminDashboardWidgetSort()
masterAdminDashboardWidgetSort(mixed $itemA, mixed $itemB) : mixed
- $itemA : mixed
- $itemB : mixed
Return values
mixed —jtpl_block_common_ifacl()
a special if block to test easily a right value.
jtpl_block_common_ifacl(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
{ifacl 'subject','value', 54} generated content if the user has the right {/ifacl}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $param : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>right value 2=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily a right value.
jtpl_block_common_ifnotacl(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifnotacl 'subject','value',54} generated content if the user has NOT the right {/ifnotacl}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>right value 2=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily a right value.
jtpl_block_common_ifacl2(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
{ifacl2 'right',54} generated content if the user has the right {/ifacl2}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $param : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily if the user has all rights of the given list.
jtpl_block_common_ifacl2and(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
{ifacl2and 'right1', 'right2', 'right3'} generated content if the user has all given rights {/ifacl2and}{ifacl2and array('right1', 'right2', 'right3')} generated content if the user has all given rights {/ifacl2and}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $param : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily if the user has a right among a list of rights.
jtpl_block_common_ifacl2or(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $param = array() ]) : string
{ifacl2or 'right1', 'right2', 'right3'} generated content if the user has one of given rights {/ifacl2or}{ifacl2or array('right1', 'right2', 'right3')} generated content if the user has one of given rights {/ifacl2or}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $param : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
a special if block to test easily a right value.
jtpl_block_common_ifnotacl2(jTplCompiler $compiler, bool $begin[, array<string|int, mixed> $params = array() ]) : string
{ifnotacl2 'right',54} generated content if the user has NOT the right {/ifnotacl2}Parameters
- $compiler : jTplCompiler
the template compiler
- $begin : bool
true if it is the begin of block, else false
- $params : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
0=>subject 1=>optional resource
Return values
string —the php code corresponding to the begin or end of the block
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